The Secret State of North Korea offered a great look into what basic things North Koreans are lacking. Even within the realm of Communism. Lack of freedoms, lack of food, lack of community, lack of trust, lack of a social society, lack of programs for children, lack of equality, and ...
Perhaps, the presidents of China, South Korea and the US should be thanked for their soft intervention too. Alek’s business partner, who ran the Tongil Tours with him until last week, is now more concerned about the future of their joint venture, but this issue is more personal than ...
It is not surprising that under these circumstances that newly elected ITAK leader would not wish to continue with the 13th Amendment but has instead called for a federal solution. However, the rise of Tamil nationalism is not only due to the failure of the present government to hold the p...
At the time that this thesis is printed, we are reminded of the tumultuous relationship between North Korea and the United States every day. If we follow the mainstream news regularly, it seems like we are on a steady path to war. Ultimately, this paper is centered around the question: wh...
I saw people living life, although deprived of the many freedoms we are privy to, they do go on living within the regime. What we hear out of North Korea is often second hand (I understand that media is controlled) but so is western media – why we need wiki leaks! It was an ...
He bravely traveled to another country to fight for the freedoms that we exercise every day but didn't make it back home to enjoy those freedoms. His family has to live on knowing that his remains were never found and they don't know anything more. Could Raymond Meyers Jr still be ...
“Full-disk encrypted operating systems provide criminals an invaluable tool to prey on women, children, and threaten our freedoms while making the legal process of judicial court orders useless” 1.) How is FDE protected phones going to threaten the freedom of the people ? Isn’t he ability ...
He didn’t see action until Korea and Vietnam, but like so many young men from his generation, on graduating from high school, Dad signed up for service in World War II. He spent the balance of that war as as an airplane mechanic working on Corsairs. Dad had plenty of war stories ...
An unfortunate feature of the present time is that the entire provincial council system has been put on hold for the past five or more years. Quite apart from full implementation of the 13th Amendment, which has never been done in violation of the constitution, the 13th Amendment is not bein...
The 22-year-old fled North Korea in 2015 to escape a regime that restricted her personal freedoms, from what she wore to how she tied her hair. Most people in Kang’s hometown were only allowed to wear a light tint on their lips – sometimes pink but never red – and lon...