South Korea confirms North Korea stole $42 million in Ethereum from Upbit in 2019. Insights reveal laundering tactics and security issues.
Posted on February 24, 2025Categories Best Korea, Big Thoughts, Censorship, Civil War, Coming Dictatorship, Communism, Competence, Complacency, Elon Musk Week, Feed Your Head, Inevitable Victory, Propaganda, Purpose, The Crazy Years, Uncle Ted's Story Hour, Wilder's Principle of Greatest Amusement...
informed decision on what action to take, and saves countless minutes our hours of correlating information from disparate tools or infrastructure in order to determine if there is in fact a problem. Should this end user workstation suddenly start talking to a known bad IP in North Korea?
Japan and South Korea have a lot at stake in a free and open South China Sea Environment2 years ago Game-changing Lectric XPedition launched as affordable electric cargo bike Business2 years ago Bank of England’s extraordinary response to government policy is almost unthinkable | Ed C...
The Liaonan metamorphic core complex, Southeastern Liaoning Province, North China: A likely contributor to Cretaceous rotation of Eastern Liaoning, Korea and contiguous areas. Tectonophysics 2005, 407, 65–80. [CrossRef] 15. Wu, F.Y.; Lin, J.Q.; Wilde, S.A.; Zhang, X.; Yang, J.H....
In Proceedings of the ISES Solar World Congress 2015, Daegu, Korea, 8–12 November 2015. 35. Bogdanov, D.; Breyer, C. North-East Asian Super Grid for 100% Renewable Energy supply: Optimal mix of energy technologies for electricity, gas and heat supply options. Energy Convers. Manag. 2016...
D. Doe General Manager E. Doe Marketing Manager F. Doe Production Manager Potenti phasellus Nunc phasellus nec sem ac ligula elementum cursus fusce in augue blandit ligula pharetra. Mattis aliquam erat volutpat vestibulum porta aliquam erat volutpat mauris at tellus at sapien elementum luctu...
A Joke from a Bygone Era 06 Thursday Jun 2019 Posted by danielwalldammit in General ≈ 12 Comments Tags Boot Camp, D-Day, Dad Jokes, Humor, Jokes, Military, Normandy, Training, WarMy father served in three wars. He didn’t see action until Korea and Vietnam, but like so many ...