Launched in 2004 and based in Seoul, Daily NK is a media organization that provides news about North Korea from a wide range of sources inside North Korea.
Revolutionary sparks: Tracking N. Korea’s covert operations from the 1980s to today N. Korean authorities spring sting operations on illegal currency traders Invisible lines: How a mobile phone erased a N. Korean family Waku and compromise: The shifting landscape of N. Korean trade ...
“Many still underestimate North Korea’s cyber capabilities, dismissing them as a ‘hermit kingdom.’ But they’ve been investing in cyber talent since the late 1990s, with a strategic focus on STEM education from a young age. This recent sophisticated campaign shows that they’re not...
North Korea is notorious for its extensive and illicit export of ballistic missiles and related technology. Iran and North Korea (officially known as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, or DPRK) are the foremost destabilizing actors in their resp
North Korea is under one of the harshest multilateral sanctions regimes of any country in the world. But the country still circumvents sanctions regularly through complex smuggling operations at which it is by now very adept. This situation raises questions about whether sanctions on North Korea hav...
An accurate horoscope for North Korea has never been available to us because there is no recorded time for the proclamation of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). We do know that independence was declared on September 9, 1948 in Pýongyang, and this date is still celebrated ...
I’ve been reading a lot about North Korea lately, and it got me thinking: What if North Korea actually launched a nuclear missile at the United States? What would that look like? How would we respond to it? What would the outcome be? I decided it would be interesting to write down ...
It could be that covert exports will eventually reach the old level of openly reported exports, but we don’t have any hard data to suggest that is yet the case. Posted in China, International trade, Political economy, Statistics | Comments Closed Yet another North Korea–China border opening...
As the biggest Chinese city near North Korea, Shenyang is a place where many from Pyongyang come to work. According to Sin, they also come to hack. “If you are going to conduct illicit activities or covert operations, it’s better to hide among this population, if you will,” Sin says...
North Korea's history of covert operations 02:15 “They were pushing forward in the 1970s … to establish diplomatic relations with a number of countries, with third world countries, trying to marginalize South Korea to gain votes in the United Nations,” he said. For a while it seemed...