多倫多--(美國商業資訊)--Northleaf Capital Partners (Northleaf)今天宣佈,其第三支集合基礎設施基金Northleaf Infrastructure Capital Partners III (NICP III)已進行最終交割,籌集了逾14億美元的認繳金額,超過12.5億美元的原訂目標。Northleaf的基礎設施專案聚焦於對經濟合作暨發展組織國家中型企業資產的直接長期投資,...
“infrastructure” for NATO forces—bases, airfields, pipelines, communications networks, depots—was jointly planned, financed, and built, with about one-third of the funding from the United States. NATO funding generally is not used for the procurement of military equipment, which is provided by...
Environmental Infrastructure Holdings Corp Enviroserve, Inc. Envirostar Inc Envision Solar International Inc. Enviva Partners LP Envoy Capital Group Inc Enzon Pharmaceuticals Inc EnzymeBioSystems Epazz Inc EpiCept Corp Epic Data International Inc. Epicurean and Company, Limited Epoch Holdi...
By the early 1990s, North Korea had begun to experience severe economic hardships. The Soviet Union had collapsed, and the communist regimes of its eastern European allies had fallen, depriving North Korea of most of its trading partners and much of its former aid. China reduced but did not ...
BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — Visitation to North Dakota’s No. 1 tourist attraction fell last year, but it wasn’t all because of the coronavirus pandemic.
Essential infrastructure: data centers powering economic growth 19 Nov 2024 By Byron Sarhangian, Snell & Wilmer The data center industry needs a thicker skin 12 Nov 2024 By Dan Swinhoe MarketWatch More 19 Oct 2024 Sponsored A blueprint for rural data center growth 17 Oct 2024 Sponsored ...
RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — North Carolina’s elected insurance commissioner will no longer hold a second role as state fire marshal because of a new provision in the state budget that will take effect in January.
SteelRiver Infrastructure Partners LP, SteelRiver Infrastructure Associates LLC, SteelRiver Infrastructure Fund North America LP, and Patriot Funding LLC--Control Exemption--Patriot Rail Corp., et al.SteelRiver Infrastructure Partners LP (SRIP LP), SteelR...
Projects/Construction/Processing/LNG/North America/Infrastructure Rising construction costs for U.S. LNG export plants, such as Venture Global's Plaquemines and Golden Pass LNG, are expected to reduce the competitiveness of new U.S. projects, analysts at Poten & Partners predict. Increased natural ...
the tax liability is passed through to the individual partners. By generating at least 90% of income from natural resource-based activities such as transportation and storage, an entity can qualify as anMLPand not be taxed as a corporation. So theIRStreats shareholders of anMLPas partners, makin...