THE NORTH FACE PURPLE LABEL "7oz Long Sleeve Pocket Tee" カラー(Butter/Off White) 品番:NT3365N 綿100%(7oz USA Cotton Jersey) Made in Japan 7オンスのUSAコットン生地を使用したポケットロンTです。ロゴ刺繍を入れたポケットの口元に付けた補強のヘリンボーンテープがアクセント...
THE NORTH FACE PURPLE LABEL "65/35 Field Jacket” カラー(Asphalt Gray) 品番:NP2411N 素材 表地:Polyester65%/Cotton35%(65/35 Bayhead Cloth) 裏地:Nylon100% 衿裏:Nylon100% 袖口,裾:Nylon98%/Polyester1%/Polyurethane1% 65/35ベイヘッドクロスを使用したフィールドジャケットです。撥...
THE NORTH FACE PURPLE LABEL "Stretch Twill Wide Tapered Field Pants" カラー(Black) 品番:N24FC058 素材POLYESTER53%/ELASTERELL-P42%/POLYURETHANE5%(Recycled Polyester Stretch Twill) リサイクルポリエステルストレッチツイルを使用したフィールドパンツです。程よいストレッチ性とスムー...
THE NORTH FACE PURPLE LABEL "Stretch Twill Tapered Pants" カラー(Dark Navy) 品番:NT5904N 素材綿60%/ポリエステル40%(COOLMAX Dyed Twill) COOLMAX®ストレッチ素材ツイル生地を使用したウェビングベルト付きテーパードパンツです。伸縮性の良いストレッチツイル生地は履き心地が良く、速乾...
Not long ago, outdoor expertsTHE NORTH FACEJapan's exclusive branch linePURPLE LABELThe introduction of an unusual suction eye LOGO tote bag, this time in order to welcome the upcoming autumn and winter, brand new moves. PURPLE LABEL launched the Steep Tech Series in the early 90s, and laun...
左图:街头时尚圈对实用主义青睐有加;右图:The North Face x Supreme 来源:HYPEBEAST,Supreme 此外,TheNorth Face的潮流化进程还呈现出本土化迹象。品牌的紫标(Purple Label)为日本市场独有,该分支品牌由日本本土时尚品牌Nanamica的创始人Eiichiro Homma(本間永一郎)担任创意总监。“紫标”在西方市场的热度促使消费者通...
THE NORTH FACE Japan's exclusive branch PURPLE LABEL has always been the focus of many people's attention. The latest season series updates and single product launch are all topics. The exposure information we get now is the launch of the brand new Comouflage Fur Field Jacket. Fur production...
A few days ago, after the launch of the BEAUTY & YOUTH joint racing series,THE NORTH FACE PURPLE LABELAlso bringNew fur camouflage accessories seriesIt includes 3 single products, such as Frontier Cap, Field Shoulder Bag and Field Pouch. ...
The The North Face Purple Label high-end purple standard branch, which has only been sold and co operated in Japan, has recently expanded its business to Europe and North America, and the business is getting better and better. Over the past few days, The North Face Purple Label has again...
#新品推荐# 由日本nanamica和THE NORTH FACE共同打造的都市系列支线,凭借独特的设计风格一直深受喜爱。本季这个独占支线 PURPLE LABEL 推出了全新设计T-Shirt 正在发售!全新系列单品以左右两边不同的材质拼接而成,采用圆领宽松及下摆不对称的裁剪设计,胸前则印着象征身份的“Berkeley,Calif.USA”字样,及独特的卡通图形...