在所有的the north face帐篷中,VECTOR 22在装配上比较普通:两根相同长度的红色DAC铝合金帐杆穿入内帐外的穿入式帐布中,起到支撑帐篷,分担篷布重量的作用。和其他挂钩式的帐篷不同的是,连续穿入式的帐杆支撑方式可以有效避免突然的阵风或者积雪对帐篷的破坏。外帐由于使用尼龙搭扣而使得搭建十分容易,然后再用防风绳,...
You can also find us around Minneapolis & Saint Paul for in-person shopping. Save on shipping, see brand new items up close, and just say hi face to face... Something special you're looking for? Just let us know! Gift receipts and hand-written notes to your friends + famly? We can...
此次Supreme与The North Face决定返璞归真,选用独特靛蓝手染设计的丹宁布为材,让本是偏重户外风格的服饰带有独特的街头风格。其中的Dot Shot Jacket、Day Pack背包、拼接防寒裤、手提包与渔夫帽,均涂有Gore Windstopper® 3-layer防水涂料,在该涂料的加持下展现出The North Face品牌产品强劲的户外实用性。 直接照搬...
Mperativ offers a comprehensive B2B Blueprint, including Quarterly KPIs, Lead and Account Plans, Pipeline Forecasting, New Logo Contribution metrics, Revenue Attribution, and a clear view of the Customer Journey. Elevate
In the face of a weak and worthless dollar, oil-producing nations will finally detach themselves from the petrodollar system. The system, which requires oil-producing nations to accept only U.S. dollars for their oil and to then place their profits in failing U.S. debt instruments, could ...
Facebook: Facebook - Road-To-The-North VK: VK - Road To The North You can help translating ENG to RUS at: RTTN translation (RUS). (XML, only of <text></text>)The original English document is here. You can support me with a small donation on Patreon to help me host the website...
Tray.io is an AI-powered, multi-experience iPaaS that speeds time-to-integration from months to days, in a single platform. The Tray Universal Automation Cloud eliminates the need for disparate tools and technologies to automate sophisticated internal and external business processes. ...
I purposefully limited myself on the color schemeand tried to create a purposely illustrative vector image (minus the rock) for acreative challenge I chose an analogous color scheme (blue, indigo, purple) from Google’s Material Design palette for that very reason ...
You can also find us around Minneapolis & Saint Paul for in-person shopping. Save on shipping, see brand new items up close, and just say hi face to face... Something special you're looking for? Just let us know! Gift receipts and hand-written notes to your friends + famly? We can...