Things to Do Explore the Lake Restaurants Places to Stay Events On the Blog Fishing Visitors Guide Devilish Reads On the Blog Featured Read Tip-Up Tactics Fishing Chasing Jumbo Perch in the Devils Lake Basin Fishing Get Ready for Ice Fishing Season in Devils Lake ...
Enclosed in unparalleled beauty, Devils Lake provides something for everyone. Whether you're a fisherman seeking your next greatest catch or just an adventurer searching for a much needed vacation. Devils Lake has something special for you! Plan ahead (or maybe don’t!). Either way, Devils ...
Visitation up and Down at North Dakota's Top Tourist Spot More By JACK DURA, The Bismarck Tribune BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — Visitation to North Dakota’s No. 1 tourist attraction fell last year, but it wasn’t all because of the coronavirus pandemic. Theodore Roosevelt N...
Molander, ShaneNorth Dakota History
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem is facing another controversy with her new memoir over a meeting she said she had with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.Jan 29, 2024, 2:56 AM North Korea tests submarine-launched cruise missile, state media says The secretive country’s leader, Kim Jong Un...
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Americas 22 June 2017 Wasted water in Buenos Aires, green space in Medellín and pretty flood prevention in New Orleans. A52 Article Americas 15 March 2012 The view from the US campaign trail, fracking in Argentina and how the odds are looking for Mexico to get its first female presiden...
Golz, and Jay A. Leitch. 1990. Expanding the North Dakota Input-Output Model to Include Recreation and Tourism. Agricultural Economics Report No. 255, Department of Agricul tural Economics, Agricultural Experiment Statio n, North Dakota State University, Fargo....
North Dakota State UniversityInternational Journal of Tourism ResearchPhillips, W. J., Wolfe, K., Hodur, N., & Leistritz, F. L. (2011). Tourist word of mouth and revisit intentions to rural tour- ism destinations: A case of North Dakota, USA. Interna- tional Journal of Tourism Research...