Time for sunrise, sunset, moonrise, and moonset in Minot – North Dakota – USA. Dawn and dusk (twilight) times and Sun and Moon position. Takes into account Daylight Saving Time (DST).
MCID is very excited for our 2025 season. Lots of great racing coming next year! Welcome to Magic City International Dragway 2023 Winners Circle Current Standings
North Dakota is a place for those who value opportunity, freedom and community. It's a place for big ideas, and for those ready to forge a path — to be leaders in business, schools and community life. Find the Good Life in North Dakota (FTGL, FTGLND)
North Dakota is a place for those who value opportunity, freedom and community. It's a place for big ideas, and for those ready to forge a path — to be leaders in business, schools and community life. Find the Good Life in North Dakota (FTGL, FTGLND)
A few years ago I was listening to our current Game and Fish director, Jeb Williams, when he was the chief of the wildlife division explain the lengthy process and resources invested to respond to a request for the determination of listing moose in North Dakota as a possible t...
It’s been nearly 20 years since the first legal mountain lion season in North Dakota. To think there’s a generation that has grown up never knowing a t
The North Dakota Newspaper Association also sends news releases to your choice of newspapers and broadcast outlets in the state for very reasonable fees.Contact Shari Peterson at 701-223-6397.All Newspapers Multi-Day Newspaper Weekly Newspapers Official County Papers Interactive map...
North Dakota's Republican Gov. Doug Burgum has signed a bill that limits access to bathrooms, locker rooms and showers for transgender and gender-nonconforming people in several state facilities.
The action involves the construction on channel modifications and related works, including interior drainage facilities along a 37 mile reach of the Souris River, Minot, North Dakota. This modification of approximately 37 miles of channel would require approximately 405 acres of woodland and disposal ...
If this story was a rip down the track by Bob Struksnes you’d be done reading it by now. North Dakota’s fastest man will take yet another checkered flag whe