There are 9 equivalent full-time teachers and 0 full-time school counselors. At a Glance Student/Teacher Ratio 15:1 Math Proficiency 65% Reading Proficiency 65% Prairie Rose Elementary School 2025 Rankings Prairie Rose Elementary School is ranked #5 in North Dakota Elementary Schools. Schools are...
In Center-Stanton 1, 41% of students tested at or above the proficient level for reading, and 34% tested at or above that level for math.Center-Stanton Elementary School did better in math and better in reading in this metric compared with students across the state. In North Dakota, 44%...
Sundale Colony Elementary School is unranked in North Dakota Elementary Schools. Schools are ranked on their performance on state-required tests, graduation, and how well they prepare their students for high school. Read more about how we rank the Best Elementary Schools. All Rankings Unranked in ...
Prairie View Elementary School is ranked #146-194 in North Dakota Elementary Schools. Schools are ranked on their performance on state-required tests, graduation, and how well they prepare their students for high school. Read more about how we rank the Best Elementary Schools. All Rankings #146...
There are 18 equivalent full-time teachers and 0 full-time school counselors. At a Glance Student/Teacher Ratio 7:1 Math Proficiency 17% Reading Proficiency 37% North Sargent Elementary School 2025 Rankings North Sargent Elementary School is unranked in North Dakota Elementary Schools and unranked ...
In New Town 1, 25% of students tested at or above the proficient level for reading, and 7% tested at or above that level for math.Edwin Loe Elementary School did worse in math and worse in reading in this metric compared with students across the state. In North Dakota, 44% of ...
Number of full-time school counselors 1 Test Scores at Northern Cass Elementary School At Northern Cass Elementary School, 52% of students scored at or above the proficient level for math, and 47% scored at or above that level for reading.Compared with the district, the school did better in...
Glen Ullin Elementary School is unranked in North Dakota Elementary Schools and unranked in North Dakota Middle Schools. Schools are ranked on their performance on state-required tests, graduation, and how well they prepare their students for high school. Read more about how we rank the Best Elem...
Healthcare Recruitment Counselors Wahpeton, ND Chiropractor Wahpeton, ND (1 hour from Fargo). We are seeking a skilled and passionate Chiropractor to join our team. We provide an entire support team ded...more 1 Month Ago Cost of Living In North Dakota ...
In New England 9, 26% of students tested at or above the proficient level for reading, and 34% tested at or above that level for math.New England Elementary School did worse in math and worse in reading in this metric compared with students across the state. In North Dakota, 44% of ...