The Bear Family: Family UrsidaeThe Polar BearThe Brown BearThe Asiatic Black BearThe American Black Bear2. January–February–MarchA Bear in Hibernation, Down but Not OutDen MothersJourney to the IceOn the Sea Ice3. April–MayDen EmergenceGetting Under WayOrigin of the Sea BearHunters on the...
The American Coot: Interesting Facts and Information The Guinea Fowl: Interesting Facts and Information Meet Zoe, the Rare Golden Zebra Animal Names From A to Z: Groups, Babies, Males, and Females
North Carolina’s licensed hunters are looking at a new set of hunting rules and regulations. According to The Asheville Citizen-Times, the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission adopted44 proposed rulesin early 2020. One of the new rules is that big game harvest must be registered by noon...
Two ongoing campaigns bear hallmarks of North Korean state-sponsored threat actors, posing in job-seeking roles to distribute malware or conduct espionage.
In the United States there is a small breeding population in Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina. Kenny Presnell Bald Eagle Apalachicola National Forest Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake While out dove hunting the other day, I was quickly reminded of why I invested ...
1 Paleontology and Geology Research Laboratory, North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, Raleigh, North Carolina 27601, USA. 2 Department of Biological Sciences, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina 27607, USA. 3 Department of Geology, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, ...
Phalanges are subtriangular in cross-section (i.e., transversely pinched on the extensor surface, relative to the plantar surface), bear weakly developed intercondylar ridges, and26 deep medial, yet shallow lateral collateral ligament pits. Discussion We tested the broader evolutionary relationships ...