Padre Island National SeashoreVegetation zonesSpecies compositionBarrier islandHuman impact on vegetation diversityVehicular and pedestrian traffic decreased top and root production, percent cover, and diversity of vegetation, and modified species composition on beach and foredune areas of Padre Island ...
along the coastal bend of Texas. The beaches of North Padre are situated facing the Gulf of Mexico, along the barrier islands that extend from north of Corpus Christi to the Padre Island National seashore to the south. At over 100 miles long, Padre Island is one of the longest barrier isl...
Watch the sunrise from your room on the beach at The Gulfstream in Corpus Christi, Texas near the National Seashore and Packery Channel.
The effects of aspect and exposure on the growth of dune grasses in Cape Hatteras National Seashore During the month of July 1974, various growth parameters were measured for Uniola paniculata (sea oats) and Ammophila breviligulata (American beach grass), plants on the dunes of east- and ...
A 3 km long 50 MHz Ground-penetrating Radar (GPR) profile was collected across Padre Island from the Gulf of Mexico to Laguna Madre, on the northern end of the Padre Island National Seashore. GPR reflectors indicate both seaward and landward dipping clinoforms, as well as concave upward ...