organization n. 1.[U] 组织的活动 2.[C] 组织; 机构; 系统 3.组织性; 系统性; 条理 north north east n. 北东北 north north west n. 北西北 mid Atlantic a. (言语或行为)兼备英美特征的,英美合璧的 mid atlantic (言语或行为)兼备英美特征的,英美合璧的 最新...
北大西洋公约组织(NorthAtlanticTreatyOrganization--NATO)欧洲共同体EuropeanCommunities 世界贸易组织(简称“世贸组织”,WorldTradeOrganization--WTO)联合国人口基金(UnitedNationsPopulationFund-UNFPA)Brainstorming 世界气象组织(WorldMeteorologicalOrganization--WMO)世界知识产权组织(WorldIntellectualPropertyOrganization--WIPO...
(North Atlantic Treaty Organization) An organization created in 1949 committing the US to peacetime European defense. Initial signatory states were Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France (withdrew 1966), Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, UK, US. Greece and Turkey signed 1952...
north atlanticphr. 北大西洋 North Atlantic Current北大西洋海流 north atlantic treaty organization北大西洋公约组织; 北约 (为捍卫欧洲共同利益而成立, 旨在抵御外来军事侵略行动和可能影响欧洲安全利益的战争. 1949年4月4日创立, 秘书处设在比利时首都布鲁塞尔. 最高决策机构为北大西洋理事会 ...
(跳至德语 » 英语) North At·lan·tic Trea·ty Or·gani·za·tion,NATO[ˈneɪtəʊ]名词 NorthAtlanticTreatyOrganization OrganisationfdesNordatlantikvertrags 您想添加一个词、一个短语或一段译文吗? 请发送新条目。 您希望如何使用
A. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization B. The National Association of Teachers Organization C. The New Age Technology Organization D. The Northern Agricultural Trade Organization 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 A。选项 A 是北大西洋公约组织的正确缩写形式。选项 B、C、D 均不是 NATO 的正确释义。这...
北大西洋公约组织(NorthAtlanticTreaty Organization--NATO) Brainstorming 欧洲共同体EuropeanCommunities 世界贸易组织(简称“世贸组织”,World TradeOrganization--WTO) 联合国人口基金(UnitedNationsPopulationFund-- UNFPA) .5 国际红十字会InternationalCommitteeofthe ...
The Atlantic Convention of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) nations met in Paris from January 8 to January 20, 1962, with citizens from every NATO member country present. At the conclusion of its meeting, the Convention unanimously adopted a document to be known as the Declaration ...
相似单词 norte, north, North Africa, North America, North American Free Trade Agreement, North Atlantic Treaty, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, North Borneo, North Carolina, North Dakota, 历史记录 生词本赞助商链接广告联系| 意见反馈| 合作伙伴| 关于欧路在线词典|手机版网站 | 英语热词榜| HTTPS|...
The United States and 11 other nations establish the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), a mutual defense pact aimed at containing possible Soviet aggression against Western Europe. NATO stood as the main U.S.-led military alliance against theSoviet Unionthroughout the duration of theCold ...