North America is home to an incredibly diverse range of wildlife, from iconic creatures like the American bison and bald eagle to lesser-known species like the mountainlionand prairie dog. But there are some animals that are so rare that they’re rarely seen or even known to the general pub...
unusual—something you might not have even thought possible…OK, North American wood frogs live over a very broad territory, or range—they're found all over the northeastern United States, and all through Canada and Alaska—even inside the Arctic Circle.No other frog is able to live that ...
North American deserts, Mediterranean California ecoregion designations; (3) northeastern forest—sites in forested areas in the east including the northern forest ecoregion and the mixed wood plains and Ozark, Quachita, Apalachian forests within the eastern temperate forest ecoregion, and (4) south...
If he had bothered to actually read this new report, he would have found out that the authors were not saying turtles would be forced north, rather that their range would expand northwards. Sure, there may be some regional changes, but these would be caused by long term changes in precipit...