Distribution and species composition of sea turtles in North Carolina, 1989-1990Epperly, S PVeishlow, ABraun, J
The distribution and ecological preferences of tick (Acari: Ixodidae) parasites of grazing sheep in the region of Arago n (north-central Spain) were surveyed on flocks four times a year and mapped into a 5 A 5 km grid. Nine tick species were found. These were species of the Rhipicephalus...
Identification Guide to North American Birds, Part 1 £170.00 More Info The Birds That Audubon Missed £25.00 More Info The Gull Guide £35.00 More Info Field Guide to North American Flycatchers: Empidonax and Pewees £16.99 More Info Field Guide to North American Flycatchers: ...
Zooplankton distribution and dynamics in a North Pacific Eddy of coastal origin: II. Mechanisms of eddy colonization by and retention of offshore species Mesoscale anticyclonic eddies form annually in late winter along the eastern margin of the subarctic North Pacific. Eddies that originate off the ...
Algae, like most vegetables, have cells with pigments that allow them to perform the photosynthesis. These organisms have a wide geographical distribution, colonizing various sites, but always linked to the presence of water. They can be found floating i
Zhang said the map contains information on some migratory and resident birds, the topography and bird distribution at the reserve, noting that tourists can access the guide through the reserve's WeChat mini program or view it at the tourist center. ...
Except for very few widespread species in the Pleistocene, which have a (nearly) Holarctic distribution [e.g., Aplexa hypnorum (Linnaeus, 1758)104,105], the North American fossil freshwater gastropod fauna is distinct. Alleged records of species originally described from North America in Asian ...
Outside North America, the Common Pochard has been seen during FONT tours in Bulgaria, Hungary, Japan, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Turkey. Canvasback (*) ___ AK:may,jun CO:apr,jul DE:apr NE:mar,apr WY:apr Aythya valisineria (monotypic) South of the US, the Canvasback has been seen ...
The bumblebee fauna of the North of European Russia includes 34 species. The trends in bumblebee diversity within the region are characterized. The species richness is the greatest in the middle taiga subzone and decreases from south to north, reaching its minimum in the Arctic tundra. Based ...
Middle East Technical University, Department of Biological Sciences, 06800, Ankara, Turkey Reyhan Yaka, Arev Pelin Sümer, Eren Yüncü & Mehmet Somel Laboratory of Archaeology and Ethnography, Faculty of History and Methods, Department of Humanitarian and Aesthetic Education, Pedagogical Institute, Ir...