jet streamregionalAlthough it is well known that jet streams play a vital role in everyday weather and long-term climate variability, very few regional climatological studies on jet streams exist to date. Using the high-resolution North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR), this study aims to ...
What we often see with La Niña, and the orientation of the jet stream, is that it lends itself naturally to northwest flow setups. This can bring significant snowfall out West, often in regions like the Tetons and Western Colorado. It can also bring significant snowfall to Utah’s Wasatc...
Here we show that the core North American monsoon is generated when Mexico’s Sierra Madre mountains deflect the extratropical jet stream towards the Equator, mechanically forcing eastward, upslope flow that lifts warm and moist air to produce convective rainfall. These findings are based on analyses...
Changes in the path and intensity of jet streams have major impacts on regional weather and climate patterns. We investigated changes in the intensity, meridional position, and altitude of the North Pacific jet in different seasons during the period 1979–2020 using the European Centre for Medium-...
The North America Company Reports Database consists of the full-text of interim, quarterly, annual and other reports from over 10,252 public companies listed on the major North American stock exchanges.Highlights: Vast archive of corporate documents from listed companies Interim and annual financial...
In the summer season, monsoons generally originate from the rapid warming of tropical landmasses and the resulting transfer of energy to the atmosphere above. In turn, this generates a circulation capable of producing heavy rainfall. Until now, the North American monsoon was...
The jet stream data support the connection between the jet and the Pacific-North American atmospheric teleconnection pattern and between the jet and the oscillation of sea surface temperature anomalies in the northern Pacific Ocean known as the Pacific Decadal Oscillation. Copyright 2008 Royal ...
(Supplementary Fig.7b). However, such lagged moisture/fire relationships are also prominent in fire regimes in the American Southwest30, where preceding cool and wet summers increase fuel load and promote burning in subsequent dry summers, and could thus be prevailing in NEMED as well. Increased...
The autumnal spin up of the Northern Hemisphere (NH) general circulation is characterized by intraseasonal variability in the structure of the North Pacific jet stream (NPJ). The variability in the structure of the NPJ is often associated with large-scale flow reconfigurations over the North Pacifi...
Earth’s equator-to-pole temperature gradient drives westerly mid-latitude jet streams through thermal wind balance1. In the upper atmosphere, anthropogenic climate change is strengthening this meridional temperature gradient by cooling the polar lower s