North American Industry Classification System Sistema Norte Americano de Classificação da Indústria O negócio/Negócios em geral Outras línguas 北美行业分类系统 北美行業分類系統 North American Industry Classification System Système nord - américain de classification des industries ...
NAICS 缩略语 精确 IC现货库存 ISL59910IRZ FF800R12KE7HPSA1 F3L225R12W3H3B11BPSA1 FF600R12KE7BPSA1 FF600R12KE7EHPSA1 发布紧急采购 NAICS是什么意思? 全称:NorthAmericanIndustryClassificationSystem 网络释义:北美工业分类系统
内容提示: NAI CS Codes The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is a six-digit code used by business and government to classify and measure economic activity in Canada, Mexico and the United States. Maryland’s Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise...
CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM The North American Industry Classification System or NAICS (pronounced "nakes") is a system for organizing data on industries and companies for standardized reporting. Implemented in 1997 for the United States and Canada and in 1998 for Mexico, the classification system replaces...
NorthAmericanIndustryClassificationSystem(NAICS) Usingthefollowingcodelisting,findthecodethatbestdescribesyourprincipalbusinessoractivityinWestVirginia.Ifyourbusinessconsistsofmorethanone typeofactivity,enterthecodethatrepresentsmorethan50%ofyourbusinessintheprimarybusinessclasssectionandenterthecodethatbestrepresentsthe ba...
Introduced in 1997, the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is a collaboration between the governments of Canada, Mexico, and the United States stemming mostly from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Its purpose is to categorize narrowly defined economic activities, ...
The North American Industry Classification System and Its Implications for Accounting Research.” Contemporary Accounting Research/Recherche Comptable Contemporaine - Krishnan, Press - 2003Krishnan, Jayanthi & Eric Press (2003): The North American Industry Classification System and its implications for ...
naicscontractorscodesclassificationnorthamerican -- 2015/05/1703:23:29file:///docin/convert/tmp/125713743.xls Page1of15- ByNorthAmericanIndustryClassificationSystemCodes 6digitNAICSCode(Description)TotalDollars WhatVAProcuredinFiscalYear2009 Total Actions Commercial Procedures Actions % Commercial Actionsfor NA...
North AmericanIndustry ClassificationSystem Indexto20xx NAICSCoding NAICSCode20xx NAICSTitle11Agriculture,Forestry,Fishing andHunting21Mining22Utilities公用事业31-33Manufacturing42Wholesale Trade批发贸易51Information61Educational Services71Arts,Entertainment,and Recreation81Other Servicesexcept Public Administration92Public...
The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is a business classification system developed through a partnership among the United States, Canada, and Mexico. This classification system facilitates the comparison of statistics of all business activities across North America.1Companies are classif...