The North America Company Reports Database consists of the full-text of interim, quarterly, annual and other reports from over 10,252 public companies listed on the major North American stock exchanges.Highlights: Vast archive of corporate documents from listed companies Interim and annual financial...
Eastern American Fox (Tamara Henson) Eastern Canadian Wolf (Dinosaur) Eastern Coralsnake (16529950) Eastern Cottontail (Black Canis Lycan) Eastern Cottontail (Tamara Henson) Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake (Burnt Gecko) Eastern Glass Lizard (MiBound) Eastern Gray Squirrel (Ulquiorra) Eastern Moose (Auro...
© American Meteorological Society. Used with permission CMIP5 multimodel mean climate response (shading) in the zonal wind at 850 hPa by the end of the twenty-first century under the RCP8.5 scenario. The climate response is separately presented for each individual calendar month. Grey contours...
Thousands of teaching photos of over 680 North American bird species; 900+ "test yourself" ID question photos; also Galapagos, Costa Rica, Ecuador
灰狐_弗吉尼亚犬_ 来自北美的胎生四足动物_1845_ 插图:约翰·伍德豪斯·奥杜邦_1812-1862_. 纽约公共图书馆原件.(Grey Fox _Canis Virginianus_ from the viviparous quadrupeds of North America _1845_ illustrated by John Woodhouse Audubon _1812-1862_. Original from The New York Public Library.) ...
Based on the novel of the same name, "Fifty Shades Freed" is an erotic romantic film directed by James Foley and stars Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan as Anastasia Steele and Christian Grey respectively. The third and final installment in the "Fifty Shades" franchise generated a B+ CinemaScore...
Using standardized data from >250,000 captures of 105 landbird species, we assessed intraspecific shifts in the morphology of adult male birds since 1989 while simultaneously measuring spatial morphological gradients across the North American continent. We found strong spatial and temporal trends in ...
Mammals that dwell in or migrate to any part of the North American continent, except Hawaii, which has its own section. Mammals of Greenland and adjacent Atlantic islands. Mammals of the Mexican Holarctic. Mammals of the Gulf of Maine. Disclaimer:This list combines species from several endange...
Johnny Greyeyes (2000) Buffy Gaudry Leslie Jhikhe 17 North of 60 (1992) Shaneen Ann Fox Marie Tenia 16 North of 60 (1992) Allan Little Mustache George Small Boat 15 Little House on the Prairie (2005) Kaya Wheeler Neesa Deela 13 North of 60 (1992) Julie Stewart ...
Are grey squirrels native to North America? Are gray wolves endangered in North America? Why is a bald eagle a keystone species? Is Brassicaceae native to North America? Are cattle native to North America? Are buffalo native to America? Are horses native to North America? Are pythons native ...