Question: How far north do the Rocky Mountains extend? The Rocky Mountains: The Rocky Mountains are a North American mountain range, forming a major part of the larger North American Cordillera chain of mountains. The range is included in both the United States and Canada, running through the...
Theworld'slongestmountainrange:theCordilleraCentralMountainRange Theworld'sbiggestactivevolcano:MaunaloaactivevolcanoinHawaiiTheworld'slargestgroupoflakes:TheGreatlakes(Superior,Michigan,Huron(orMichigan–Huron),Erie,andOntario,theyformthelargestgroupoffreshwaterlakesonEarth,containing21%of...
Western Cordillera, in western North America, a system of mountain ranges extending from the U.S. state of Alaska through northwestern Canada, the western United States, and into Mexico. The largest range is the Canadian Rockies; others include the Rocky
(1987);William Back,Joseph S. Rosenshein, andPaul R. Seaber(eds.),Hydrogeology(1988);Robert E. SheridanandJohn A. Grow(eds.),The Atlantic Continental Margin: U.S.(1988);L.L. Sloss(ed.),Sedimentary Cover, North American Craton, U.S.(1988);R.J. Fulton(ed.),Quaternary Geology of ...
but the main effects appear centred in the eastern portion of the Cordilleran Geosynclinefrom southern Nevada to the Northern Rockies and Northern Cordillera in western Canada, in the Central Rockies of Montana and Wyoming, in the Southern Rockies of Colorado and New Mexico, and in southern Arizon...