Location: Avery, North Carolina, South, United States, North America View on OpenStreetMapLatitude35.92673° or 35° 55' 36" north Longitude-81.95329° or 81° 57' 12" west Elevation4,090 metres (13,419 feet) Open Location Code867WW2GW+MM OpenStreetMap IDnode 1731068876 Open...
I became a preservationist because I am pro-urbanism, and want to maintain the rich urban fabric of small-scale buildings, evolved over generations, that was common in pre-WW2 America. It is dispiriting to see that NIMBYs have hijacked the historic preservation process to stop that very proce...
(a) Map of seismic stations with annotated azimuths, (b) stacked spectral-amplitude ratios between the 2009 and 2013 UNE records for stations in the azimuths of 120°–145°, and (c) comparison of stacked spectral-amplitude ratios for various azimuthal ranges. The population of the spectral-...
Europe base pack is the answer to those who like to be immersed in Night Flights Uninterrupted Wide Coverage. Base packages are a Lighter Version of our Original Night3D full packages; they future less lights and no nightmap. Either you have already any Night3D full packages and want to exp...
In Proceedings of the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), Gulf Rocks Houston, TX, USA, 5–6 June 2004; ARMA Conference Paper–2004; American Rock Mechanics Association: Alexandria, VA, USA, 2004. 41. Reiter, K.; Heidbach, O.; Müller, B.; Reinecker, J.; Röckel, ...