As well as following these nine virtues, and celebrating Norse mythology, the group promotes values like fairness, tolerance and acceptance. In recent years though, the symbols of Ásatrú have been co-opted by white supremacist groups in the belief that the Vikings were a ‘pure’ race. Vana...
My intention with this simple set of runes is to make remembering the runes and their meanings an easy and enjoyable process. Different types of runes: Some rune sets have more characters, but interestingly enough all runes have remarkably similar names and the symbols quite nearly the same. ...
As one of the seven Norse symbols, it’s important to consider the meaning of the hair itself. For Norse-Viking people, hair was a big deal. Accounts reveal that the Norse kept their hair groomed well, and also kept long. According to thePoetic Eddawritten around the 10th century CE, t...
For the Vikings, the runes were more than just an alphabet, they were a series of potent symbols that could make ideas solid and alter the reality in which they lived. The Vikings believed that words had power, and should be used wisely....
The Viking Rune is a website on Vikings and for Vikings. Articles on Norse mythology, Viking symbols and Nordic runes. Your guide on all things Scandinavian.
There were multiple symbols associated with the guardian of Asgard. He had a powerful sword, rode a golden horse, carried a powerful trumpet, and was connected with the sea, roosters, gold, and rams. Heimdallr’s sword was called Hofund or the Bifrost Sword. He carried it with him to be...
Tacitus mentions Germanic people making divinations by casting pieces of wood upon which symbols had been carved (‘lots’: ergo ‘lottery’: ‘chance’, ‘fortune’, ‘fate’). But he did not specify what was carved. The scene of the old seer casting stones and bones in The 13th Warrior...
Freya’s other animal symbols are sparrows and horses. Plants Apple is one of the fruits with the most symbolic meanings. Apples represent beauty, love, passion, fertility, lust, and knowledge, and this makes them a great symbol of Freya. ...
Loki is one of the most fascinating gods in Norse mythology, and was not necessarily a god to pray to but was rather a god that you’d pray to be delivered from!
They may also be the source of the wisdom and power of a shaman. Animals often have a dualistic quality in mythology. They can be helpful to humans or harmful—sometimes both. They provide people with food, but at the same time, they can be dangerous. As sources and symbols, animals ...