Freyja, or a variant of the name, is still a popular name for girls in Scandinavian countries. In Norway alone, around 500 women have the first name Frøya. Freyja is mentioned in the first stanza of the national anthem of Denmark. The line goes: “… it is called old Denmark and it...
His name sometimes also appeared as Heimdall, and he is known for his ability to see the end of days before the other gods. When he did so, he was to blow the famous Gjallarhorn to alert all the gods. Read this article to find out how he came to be as well as how he was the ...
When the person-being-named-after has a common name, the child is given the person-being-named-after's nickname (byname) [as well as the personal name]. (Ström, quoted by Flom, pp. 248-249. Special thanks to Mistress Brynhildr jarla Kormáksdóttir for assistance with the translation...
and then he woke. For a long while the fairest of the gods lay in the half light, his brow gleaming as white as the whitest flower, his hair shining, and he tried to snare his dream — to name each form and dismiss it. But the shapes skulked in the shadows, shapeless now...
Iran, the habitation of the tillers and _earers_ [2] of the earth, as opposed to Turan, the abode of restless horse-riding nomads; of Turks, in short, for in their name the root survives, and still distinguishes the great Turanian or Mongolian family, from the Aryan, Iranian, or ...
AnAsis the singular name for the Aesir. The female As were called anAsynia(pl.AsyniororAsyniur). Note that I have now redesigned this page to separate the Aesir from the Asyniur (female Aesir). It should be noted that Snorri Sturluson (1179-1241), the Icelandic writer who wrote thePro...
Frigg's messenger is Gna, who rides through the sky on the horse Hofvarpnir. In some myths she was rumored to have had love affairs with Odin's brothers Ve and Vili. As Woden/Odin gave his name to Wednesday, and Thunor/Thor to Thursday, so Frigg is remembered in Friday. Frigg was ...
Tyr, that he placed his hand into the mouth of the great wolf, Fenrir, to ensure that the other gods had the distraction they needed to chain the beast to a rock. This selfless act resulted in the loss of Tyr’s hand. His name is the direct inspiration for our word for “Tuesday...
from Old NorseVanadis, another name forFreja W wand vondr(="rod") want vanta(="to lack") weak veikr whirl hvirfla(="to go around") whisk viska(="to plait") wight vigr(="able in battle") - The otherwightmeaning "man" is from Old English. ...
The name probably refers to the location as being an ideal one for catching fish, and the harbor at Fishguard is an excellent one that would have attracted Hiberno-Norse traders. Freystrop, also known as Hechfreysstrop, Hegh Freistrop, Freysthorp, Freysthrop, Ffreystrop, Freystrep, Frey...