The goddess of the dead and the afterlife was Hel (Holle, Hulda), and was portrayed by the Vikings as being half-dead, half alive herself. The Vikings viewed her with considerable trepidation. The Dutch, Gallic, and German barbarians viewed her with some beneficence, more of a gentler form...
Freyja is the goddess of war and death in Norse mythology. She is the leader of the Valkyries, the female warriors who choose the slain on the battlefield and bring them to the afterlife. She shares half of the fallen warriors with Odin, who takes them to his hall of Valhalla, while ...
a venerable Norse goddess of the sky, who was gifted with the power of divination, and yet was surrounded by an air of secrecy. She was the only goddess allowed to sit next to her husband, and remained loyal to him despite his numerous extra-marital affairs....
Signy Has A Lot of Family Love - And Not In A Good Way Norse mythos doesn't tend to look favorably on incest, but that doesn't stop the gods from indulging in it a whole lot. One particular goddess, Signy, was certainly guilty of this faux pas. She was due to marry Siggeir, who...
Instead, Hel (Loki's daughter and goddess of the underworld) takes Hervor, explaining to Sigrid that it's a better afterlife because Hervor will not have to fight as an einherjar and is free from the gods entirely. In Norse Myth: Tasked with retrieving the souls of the dead to take to...
They will judge among the fallen, and choose the bravest of the warriors to join them in the afterlife. The chosen will be brought to Asgard, where thegoddess Freyahas the right to choose half for her field called Fólkvangr. When she has picked her half, the rest will go to Valhalla....
Thor is aViking godof thunder, storm and fertility, a hero who protects Asgard and Midgard from giants and monsters. Unlike Odin, who was a god of war and warriors, Thor was closer to farmers. Thor’s wife is the golden-haired goddess Sif. Thor is also a lover of the female jötunn...
Folkvangr was another place brave warriors could live in the afterlife. Folkvangr was a field ruled over by the Goddess Freya, and was an alternative location for warriors. Freya would be able to choose half of the dead warriors from battle to come and live in the afterlife in Folkvangr....
Nevertheless, these cousins managed to end their war, and Vanir hostages were sent to live in Asgard among the Aesir. These includedNjord, the god of sailing, and his two children, Freyr and Freya. Freya, a goddess of love, is a particular beauty, and in many stories, giants seek her ...
The moon could even symbolize birth and death at the same time. The Tartars of Central Asia called it the Queen of Life and Death. In mythology the moon is often female, a goddess who may be paired with a sun god. The Incas of South America told of a brother and sister, the moon...