However, their mean 6 min walk score approached being significantly better than the national average (p = 0.095). The sedentary group's scores were significantly lower (p ≤ 0.05) than the exercisers ' scores and the national averages for both tests. In this cohort, older veterans who ...
Knutson L, Bushman B, Young J, Ward G. Age expansion of the thirty-‐second walk test norms for children. Pediatric Physical Therapy. 2009;21:235-‐244. Baseline: 2 month time period prior to KT program...
Reliability, validity, and norms of the 2-min walk test in children with and without neuromuscular disorders aged 6–12 We offer in this paper the non-asymptotical pairwise bilateral exact up to multiplicative constants interrelations between the tail behavior, moments (Grand Lebesgue Spaces) norm...
The posttest was taken 12 months after the pretest. Such a long intervening period between measurements increased the risk of a reduced number of participants. However, this time was necessary for the interventions to become effective. The internalization of social norms is related to the process ...
(Man caregiver aged 50–60 years, baseline, FGD 6, participant 1). Men also reported gender inequitable beliefs and attitudes related to women and girls, for example when discussing why girls engage in ADTS another man stated: “sometimes they are influenced by a life of pleasure and money...
For LFT used in the exploration of incapacity, the key-words were ("exercise test" OR "maximal oxygen uptake" OR "cardiorespiratory test" OR "six minute walk distance" OR "six-minute walk distance" OR "6-minute walk distance" OR "six-min walk distance" OR "6-min walk distance" OR "...
(Man caregiver aged 50–60 years, baseline, FGD 6, participant 1). Men also reported gender inequitable beliefs and attitudes related to women and girls, for example when discussing why girls engage in ADTS another man stated: “sometimes they are influenced by a life of pleasure and money...
For both scales, we normalize the scale so that the mean and standard deviation are 0 and 1, respectively. We first test the hypothesis that respondents internalized the social norm more strongly (i.e., their first-order injunctive beliefs should be higher) when they believed others expect ...
In light of this mixed evidence, more systematic research is needed to test the presence of the DFA in children’s social cognition. The DFA is an efficient inferential tool for young learners acquiring basic social knowledge. However, it can also yield inappropriate inferences and leave learners...
Purpose: The 2-min walk test may be more appropriate functional exercise test for young children. This study aimed to examine the 2-min walk test’s reliability; validity; and minimal clinically important difference; and to establish norms for children aged 6–12.Methods: Sixty-one healthy ...