8.Nouvelles normes internationales et réformes étatiquesEntre la fin de l’épisode napoléonien et la première période des congrès du Concert européen, Gentz va s’illustrer par sa pensée et son action, à la fois dans des tentatives de réforme au niveau interne, principalement en ...
Actions are namely increasingly taken at the European level and appeals are more often being made to courts. Groups and individuals nonetheless still target national institutions and pursue actions outside the formal judicial process.BONNARD, PASCALRevue d'Études Comparatives ...
Firstly, it is underwritten the idea that the states give up the exercise of certain sovereign rights in favor of the European institutions, while remaining their holders, and that this is done from a position of equality, for common purposes. Secondly, a case is ...
Euro IV and V standards have contributed more strongly to the decrease in the impact of AP than limits applying to other sources. Conclusion: This evaluation of the health benefits due to the Euro IV and V standards was made possible by...