There are deep questions about the nature of pleasure and pain, but for our purposes let us simplify greatly and assume that all hedonic values (positive or negative) consist of mental states (or brain states, which may or may not be equivalent) that are experienced as positive or negative....
Details of the logics and semantics for the action and ‘counts as’ modalities are given in [9].7 Expressions of the form (sc-assert) say that j's seeing to it that A counts in conventional signalling system s as a means of indicating that, were s to be in an ideal/optimal state...
Such concerns are expressions, not of irrationality, but of rational caution in the face of possible catastrophes. The odds that a democratic head of government will be able to destroy a complex, affluent, long-lived democracy are small. Still, they are arguably larger than zero. Democratic cit...
verbal analogical reasoning Motoric (pointing) Oral (word) Comprehension-Knowledge (Gc) Cognitive psychologists often define the abilities that fall within the broad CHC domain of Comprehension-Knowledge (Gc) as declarative memory or "memories for facts and events that are recollected consciously" ...
They are expressions of rules in the guise of descriptions of the natural world. So, it is important to bear in mind that Wittgenstein did not advance a single account of all the kinds of propositions that we deem necessary truths, but different accounts of different kinds of necessary ...
The varying capabilities of actors to assess their own situations as well as assess the other player(s)’ situation; the capability of assessing the expressions and communications of others, their trustworthiness. Such capabilities, Goffman suggests, are important to game performance and success. (9...
As said, the three categories of normativity are intermingled, often supporting each other, but they can be helpful analytical categories for dissecting journalistic action and statements concerning journalism to distinguish different levels of normativity. Identifying normativity in journalism educators’ thi...