We argue that the discrepancy between the assumed version of human nature and actual human nature is non-trivial and renders welfare economics invalid and unhelpful in its goal of assessing societal well-being. Welfare economic analysis does play a role, however, in the positive aspect of economic...
Welfarism: In the legal academy, "welfarism" is strongly associated with normative law and economics. (But in other disciplines, the terms "welfare" and "welfarism" have other meanings.) Of course, economists differ among themselves on the nature of welfare, but let us stipulate (for the sake...
first came to international prominence with his impressive 1978 book on Marx'shistorical materialism, n1 avolume which gave birth to "analytical Marxism." n2 AnalyticalMarxists reformulated, criticized, and tried to salvage central features ofMarx's theories of history, ideology, politics, and econo...
HowtorespondtoquestionsinEconomics Anormativestatementisavaluejudgement andstateswhatsomeonethinks‘oughttobe’. Normativestatementsaresubjectiveand influencedbypersonalbiases,background, personalpolitics Tocleanupairqualityandcutdowncarbon emissionsby25%,4x4vehiclesshouldonlybe ...
Their divergent characteristics are a direct implication of their belonging to theoretical reason and to the sensitive part of the soul, respectively5. Wary of the idiosyncrasies of this aspect of Aristotle’s account, contemporary philosophers dismiss it. It is then perhaps surprising that they ...
A key aspect is understanding normative alignment (as institutional conduciveness and resilience) in relation to the possible shift from the current institutional environment of regulated energy market to that of a community energy network. The heuristic and analytical (design) relevance of the approach...