Norman Mailer Norman Mattoon Thomas Norman Rockwell Norman style Norman Thomas normande Normandie Normandy Normandy pippins Norman-French Normanism Normanize Normans normative normed normless normoblast normocalcemia Normodyne normoglycaemia normoglycaemic normoglycemia normokalemia normotension normotensive...
Define Norman Isles. Norman Isles synonyms, Norman Isles pronunciation, Norman Isles translation, English dictionary definition of Norman Isles. 1. A group of British islands in the English Channel off the coast of northern France. Settled by Norse marin
This is a quality that his acting lacks.' This Christine Smallwood writes of the novelist Norman Mailer after having watched the late-sixties/early-seventies trilogy of films he directed and starred in: Wild 90, Beyond the Law, and Maidstone. Open Cultur
Norman Mailer 将“Norman (people)"翻译成中文 諾曼底人, 诺曼底人是“Norman (people)"到 中文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:Even I couldn't get to Norman and he knows me. ↔ 甚至 我都 无法 了解 诺曼 , 况且 他还 认识 我 Norman (people)+...
Wikipedia Norman Norman,city (1990 pop. 80,071), seat of Cleveland co., central Okla.; inc. 1891. It is the center of a livestock region. Oil wells, food processing, and printing and publishing contribute to the economy, and there is diverse manufacturing (machinery, communication equipment...
Wikipedia Norman Bethune Henry Norman Bethune BirthdayTuesday, March 04, 1890 BirthplaceGravenhurst, Ontario, Canada DiedSunday, November 12, 1939 EducationUniversity of Toronto Known forDeveloping mobile medical units, surgical instruments and a method for transporting blood for transfusions. ...
Norman Mailer Norman Mattoon Thomas Norman Rockwell Norman style Norman Thomas normande Normandie Normandy Normandy pippins Norman-French Normanism Normanize normative normed normless normoblast normocalcemia Normodyne normoglycaemia normoglycaemic normoglycemia normokalemia normotension normotensive normothe...
Norman Mailer Norman Mattoon Thomas Norman Rockwell Norman style Norman Thomas normande Normandie Normandy Normandy pippins Norman-French Normanism Normanize normative normed normless normoblast normocalcemia Normodyne ▼ Full browser ? ▲ Normally distributed Normally distributed Normally distributed normally...
Wikipedia ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1. Norman Thomas- United States socialist who was a candidate for president six times (1884-1968) Norman Mattoon Thomas,Thomas Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex...
Define Rockwell, Norman. Rockwell, Norman synonyms, Rockwell, Norman pronunciation, Rockwell, Norman translation, English dictionary definition of Rockwell, Norman. Noun 1. Norman Rockwell - United States illustrator whose works present a sentimental ide