Geisler, Norman. DVD on Post-modernism ( Geisler, Norman.Systematic Theology in One Volume.(link) Gibbs, Eddie and Ryan Bolger.Emerging Churches. Howe, Thomas ed.,Christian Apologetics Journal,volume 7, No. 1 (Spring, 2008, Kimball, Dan.The Emerg...
For in the broader sense, these doctrines are not based on a single text but on all the data of Scripture on the topic put in a consistent systematic whole that best explains them with whatever varying degree of certitude (see Geisler, Systematic Theology, vol. 1, chap. 12). Q. “There...
Norman L. Geisler: A Festschrift in His Honor I Am Put Here for the Defense of the Gospel: Dr. Norman L. Geisler: A Festschrift in His Honor Edited by Terry L. Miethe Pickwick Publishers | 2016 480 pages Order at Wipf&Stock and use “Geisler” as a 40% off coupon code! Or p...
chapter 20: A Theological and Apologetical Assessment of Positive Confession Theology by Ron Rhodes · 382 Norman L. Geisler’s Impact chapter 21: The Impact of Norman Geisler on Christian Higher Education by Wayne Detzler · 400 chapter 22: A Detroit Yankee in King Cotton’s Court: Love Expr...
What do the three living framers of the Chicago statements (Sproul, Packer, and Geisler) say about the new hermeneutic and the redefinitions of inerrancy? How do we deal with difficult passages in the Bible? What did the framers of the ICBI statements really mean? Where should one turn to...