英国诺曼底征服(Norman Conquest of England)是指在1066年,威廉征服者(William the Conqueror)率领的诺曼底军队入侵英格兰并成功占领该国的历史事件。这次征服对于英格兰、诺曼底以及整个欧洲历史都具有重要的影响。征服的导火索是英格兰国王爱德华(Edward the Confessor)的死亡,他没有留下直系子嗣,导致了继承权的争夺...
英国诺曼底征服(Norman Conquest of England)是指在1066年,威廉征服者(William the Conqueror)率领的诺曼底军队入侵英格兰并成功占领该国的历史事件。这次征服对于英格兰、诺曼底以及整个欧洲历史都具有重要的影响。 征服的导火索是英格兰国王爱德华(Edward the Confessor)的死亡,他没有留下直系子嗣,导致了继承权的争夺。威廉...
In October 1066, during the important battle of Hastings , William defeated Harold and killed him . 1066年10月威廉哈斯丁的重要战役中打败并杀死哈罗德。One Christmas Day , William was crowned king of England , thus beginning the Norman Conquest of England . 圣诞节那天威廉被加冕英国国王,从此开启对...
The Norman Conquestof England (in Britain, often called the Norman Conquest or the Conquest) was the 11th-century invasion and occupation of England by an army of Norman, Breton, Flemish, and French soldiers led by Duke William II of Normandy, later styled William the Conqueror....
norman conquest 诺曼征服 NormanconquestofEngland TheNormanconquestofEnglandwasthe11th-centuryinvasionandoccupationofEnglandbyanarmyofNorman,Breton,andFrenchsoldiersledbyDukeWilliamIIofNormandy,laterWilliamtheConqueror.征服者威廉一世,维京海盗的后裔。此公手不离剑,剑不离脖子,实乃英武非常之像,及出生时曾被称为...
Norman_conquest_of_England解读 NormanconquestofEngland Summary TheNormanconquestofEnglandbeganon28September1066withtheinvasionofEnglandbyWilliamtheConqueror,DukeofNormandyandhisvictoryattheBattleofHastingson14October1066overKingHaroldIIofEngland.Harold‘sarmywasbadlydepleted大大减少intheEnglishvictoryattheBattleof...
William needed proper records so that his new, efficient Norman bureaucracy could do its job, especially when it came to collecting all the revenues due to the crown. Inspectors were sent into every part of England to note the size, ownership, and resources of each hide of land. Contrary to...
aWilliam the Conqueror, the Duke of Normandy, is the one who invaded and conquered England in 1066, thus beginning the Norman Conquest of England. 威廉征服者,诺曼底公爵, 1066年是侵略并且征服英国的人,因而开始英国的诺曼征服的。[translate]
1 the Norman Conquest 2 Magna Carta 3 the Pilgrim Fathers 4 the Great Depression用英文解释 扫码下载作业帮搜索答疑一搜即得 答案解析 查看更多优质解析 解答一 举报 1.Norman ConquestThe conquest of England by the Normans under William the Conqueror beginning in 1066.诺曼征服:始于1066年由征服者威廉...