Norman Stone Castles (1): The British Isles 1066-1216 Descended from the Viking raiders who settled in Northern France under the leadership of Rollo in around 911, the Normans were amongst the most feared warriors of their time. Their territorial ambitions culminated in Duke William 1's con.....
They established Motte-and-Bailey castles (fortified mounds with a courtyard beside them) in all troublesome areas and established the feudal system (of peasants working on lands owned by the lord) as an investment. The picture on the left shows the remains of an Anglo-French Motte-and-Bailey...
See here for a map of the major towns in England at the time of the Domesday Book. William the Conqueror's Castles Related: The Battle of Hastings - Glossary of terms used in the Domesday Book Also see Medieval London in our London History guide. Attraction...
1.HeinvadedEnglandinSeptember1066,defeatingHaroldIIattheBattleofHastings(黑斯廷战役)on14October1066.2.HewascrownedasthekingofEnglandonDecember2,1066.BackgroundtotheNormanConquest •EdwardtheConfessor(1042—1066)–diedin1066withoutanheir–threeclaimantstothethrone•Harold(哈罗德)—theking’swife’s...
Cultural heritage Compiled Doomsday Book (A property record) Bayeux Tapestry explains the events leading up to the Norman conquest of England as well as the events of the invasion itself Built castles throughout England e.g. the Tower of London Doomsday Book 末日审判书 Bayeux Tapestry 贝叶挂毯 ...
The rebellions that began that year reached their peak in 1069, when William resorted to such violent measures that even contemporaries were shocked. To secure his hold on the country, he introduced the Norman practice of building castles, including the Tower of London. The rebellions, which ...