The response of the filter should be proportional to distance from the point to the boundary. We analyze a particular filter which has these properties, called the normalized Laplacian of Gaussian filter. Section 2 gives motivation and a mathematical description of the filter. The filter is ...
MPSImageGaussianPyramid MPSImageGuidedFilter MPSImageHistogram MPSImageHistogramEqualization MPSImageHistogramInfo MPSImageHistogramSpecification MPSImageIntegral MPSImageIntegralOfSquares MPSImageKeypointRangeInfo MPSImageLanczosScale MPSImageLaplacian MPSImageLaplacianPyramid MPSImageLaplacianPyramidAdd MPSI...
Non-uniform Motion Deblurring Using Normalized Hyper Laplacian Priordirection-of-arrival estimationmatrix algebraspeech processingCRCMGaussian source signalsSRP estimatorcopula rank correlation matrixcopula-based source DOA estimatordirection-of-arrival estimation...
A Scale-Adaptive Extension to Methods based on LBP using Scale-Normalized Laplacian of Gaussian Extrema in Scale-Space. In: Proc. of the Intern. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing; 2014. p. 4352-4356.Hegenbart, S., Uhl, A.: A scale-adaptive extension to methods based on...
MPSImageGaussianPyramid MPSImageGuidedFilter MPSImageHistogram MPSImageHistogramEqualization MPSImageHistogramInfo MPSImageHistogramSpecification MPSImageIntegral MPSImageIntegralOfSquares MPSImageKeypointRangeInfo MPSImageLanczosScale MPSImageLaplacian MPSImageLaplacianPyramid MPSImageLaplacianPyramidAdd MPSImageLaplacianPy...
convolution with the Gaussian kernel; (2) determining the local characteristic scale of every pixel by a local extremum over scale of normalized derivatives; (3) deriving the local characteristic scale histogram and determining the characteristic scale of satellite image based on maximum of this ...
The Laplacian of Gaussian (LOG) operator extracts image edge information. Normalized cross-correlation (NCCL) based on the LOG operator is obtained. The Laplacian image is obtained by convolution of the reference image and DRR image with the LOG operator. The zero-crossing point in the Laplacian...
NSS features based on the gradient magnitude and Laplacian of Gaussian are used for SQA; The impact of the spectrogram window size is investigated in detail to assess the optimum window size and percentage of signal overlap. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we...
Different high pass filters, including the Box filter, Gaussian and Laplacian, can be applied in HPF, and the Box filter is chosen in this paper [46]. 3.2.4. ATWT Similarly to HPF, ATWT is also based on multi-resolution analysis [34]. For ATWT, the original multispectral bands are ...