Sample translated sentence: NPP is derived from satellite measurements of the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI or greenness index). ↔ 净初级生产力是通过对归一化差异植被指数(即绿色指数)进行卫星测量得出的。 Normalized Difference Vegetation Index+...
2010年亚马逊流域乾旱常态化差值植生指标(normalized difference vegetation index)。图片来自:波士顿大学。|基于4个网页 3. 植被归一化指数 ... (water index, 含水量指数) (Normalized difference vegetation index,植被归一化指数) 3 (vegetation index, 植被指数) ... ...
归一化差值植被指数(NDVI),normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) NDVI归一化植被指数(NDVI) 1.Based on the method of NDVI,the NDVI of Stone Forest and other areas of Shilin county were calculated and analyzed by choosing the data of Landsat in 1977,TM in 1992,ETM and satellite image in...
中文: 我们的关系正常了.英文: A Measuring Technology for Normalized Difference Vegetation Index中文: 归一化植被指数测量技术研究 英文: Relations between our two countries have normalized.中文: 我们两国的关系已恢复正常.英文: The editors have normalized the author's rather unusual spelling .中文: 编辑...
英文: A Measuring Technology for Normalized Difference Vegetation Index中文: 归一化植被指数测量技术研究 英文: Translate the CWS (or other clinical database) relational database into an XML stream and re-constitute the data in a better normalized data model.中文: 将CWS(或者其他的临床数据库)相关...
1)normalized difference vegetation indexNDVI 1.On the basis of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data with resolution of 1 km of NOAA/AVHRR in 1993 and NDVI data for MODIS in 2000 and 2006,the authors analyzed the NDVI spatial dynamic variations by changing intensive parameters in th...
A simple spectral vegetation index. Description NDVI is a vegetation health indicator. It’s the most widely used index in agriculture because it’s straightforward to calculate, and most satellites can obtain the 2 bands needed for it.
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) has played an important role in assessing green plant biomass through remote sensing on global scale since the early 1970s. The concept of NDVI is based on the fact that green plants show higher reflection in near-infrared region than in visible regio...
Verhulst,N.,Govaerts,B.2010.Thenormalizeddifferencevegetationindex (NDVI)GreenSeeker TM handheldsensor:Towardtheintegratedevaluationof cropmanagement.PartA:Conceptsandcasestudies.Mexico,D.F.;CIMMYT. Tableofcontents Introduction...1 A.Plantreflectanceandnormalizeddifferencevegetationindex(NDVI)...1 B.NDVIandrem...