必应词典为您提供normalized-device-coordinates的释义,网络释义: 规格化设备坐标;归一化设备坐标;化的设备坐标;
normalized device coordinates 规格化设备坐标(=NDC)在计算机制图技术中采用的一种坐标系,其坐标值范围是从0到1,通常用于表示该设备的显示空间。在与设备无关的中间坐标系统中指定的一种坐标,其规格化坐标值为某个范围,一般为0 normalized coordinates 正规化坐标,标准化坐标 normalized device coordinate 【计】 规...
1) normalized device coordinates,normalized device coordinate system,NDC 规格化设备坐标系2) NDC Normalized Device Coordinate 规格化设备坐标3) device coordinate system 设备坐标系4) device coordinate 设备坐标 1. The logical coordinate and device coordinate system are introduced,as well as the ...
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normalizedDeviceCoordinatesConvention The coordinate conventions to use when computing the matrix. viewIndex The index of the view you use with the matrix. The index must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than the number of views in the views property. Return Value The perspective project...
NDC-Scene:单目三维语义场景补全的新突破 本研究全面探讨了单目三维语义场景补全中当前最先进技术所面临的关键挑战。为了克服这些挑战,提出了一种新颖的标准化设备坐标(Normalized Device Coordinates,NDC) - 3D视觉工坊于20231001发布在抖音,已经收获了2.3万个喜欢
normalized coordinate transformationdoi:10.1007/1-4020-0613-6_12519A transformation of coordinate data expressed in world coordinates to coordinate data expressed in normalized device coordinates. See alsocoordinate data, normalized device coordinate, transform, world...Weik, Martin H.Springer US...
.裁剪空间和裁剪坐标变换 归一化坐标系 Normalized Coordinates. Clip space is interesting, but inconvenient...The X, Y, and Z of each vertex’s position is divided by W to get normalized device coordinates...This time, they are converted from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates. ...
extends StructuredValueDefines a region of an image. The region is a convex quadrilateral defined by coordinates of its top left, top right, bottom left, and bottom right points. The coordinates are fractional values of the original image's width and height in the range 0.0 th...
aGiven coordinate mapping functions (1) or (2),the normalized image g(x0; y0) is generated by pixel value and coordinate interpolation. In our implementation of 1D normalization, we map the coordinates forwardly from (binary) input image to normalized image, and use coordinate interpolation to...