normalized cross correlation 算法normalized cross correlation(NCC)算法是归一化互相关匹配法,是基于图像灰度信息的匹配方法。 NCC算法的基础理论是将图像的相似性归结为2个向量的相似性。假如a为向量1,b为向量2,根据点乘的定义得到。 NCC常做作为相似性的度量。当NCC为-1时,两向量负相关(你东我就西),当NCC为0...
Correlation and Convolution "[1] 如上所述,交叉相关主要是为了求两组数据的相似度,一个非常重要的应用是NCC(Normalizationcrosscorrelation)归一化交叉相关: 其做法类似我们在二维空间中通过求两个向量的cos余弦值来表示两个向量的相似度。当NCC值最大时,两块区域相似的可能性更大。Convolution卷积: 形象化的描述为...
1.NCC(Normalized Cross Correlation)归一化互相关原理和C++代码实现 【图像配准】基于灰度的模板匹配算法(一):MAD、SAD、SSD、MSD、NCC、SSDA、SATD算法_人工智能_hujingshuang-CSDN博客
NCC是一种基于统计学计算两组样本数据相关性的算法,其取值范围为[-1, 1]之间,而对图像来说,每个像素点都可以看做RGB数值,这样整幅图像就可以看成是一个样本数据的集合,如果它有一个子集与另外一个样本数据相互匹配则它的ncc值为1,表示相关性很高,如果是-1则表示完全不相关。 其中左边是目标图像、右边为模板...
Normalized cross correlation (NCC) registration method of self-adaptation threshold本发明提供的是一种自适应门限的NCC配准方法. The present invention provides a method of NCC registration adaptive threshold. 选取一个初始的NCC门限值对两幅图像中的特征点进行配准;利用配准的特征点对求得两幅图像间的仿射变换...
1) Normalized Cross Correlation (NCC) 归一化互相关(NCC)2) normalized cross-correlation 归一化互相关 1. New pitch detection algorithm based on LPC and normalized cross-correlation 基于线性预测与归一化互相关的基音检测 2. An image registration technique is present that is based template matching ...
网络释义 1. 归一化互相关函数 缩略语 NCC 的查询结果 ... negative corona charging 负电晕充电normalized cross correlation function归一化互相关函数...|基于14个网页 2. 归一化相互关函数|基于2个网页 3. 一化互相干函数 ...
Normalized cross correlation (NCC) has been used extensively for many machine vision applications, but the traditional normalized correlation operation does not meet speed requirements for time-critical applications. In this paper, we propose a fast NCC computation for defect detection. A sum-...
Algorithms based on normalized cross-correlation coefficients(NCC) are frequently used in template matching and feature tracking, but they have the drawback of high computational cost. By utilizing a set of box-like bases, we propose a new fast NCC computation algorithm taken in spatial domain. ...
Normalized cross correlation (NCC) is the most robust correlation measure for determining similarity between points in two or more images providing an accurate foundation for motion tracking. However, even using fast Fourier transform (FFT) methods, it is too computationally intense for rapidly ...