5) revise percentage 校正归一化6) regulation and standardization 规范化、标准化 例句>> 补充资料:标准化 标准化standardization 某一个领域需要达到的统一的标准要求。如信息工作标准化 ,其目的是使文献工作走向标准化 、 系列化和通用化,达到信息交流和资源共享。为了发展社会主义商品经济,促进技术进步,改进产品...
Percentage(), pb.Bar()]) pbar.start() height = width = 128 # Define the codec and create VideoWriter object fourcc = cv2.cv.CV_FOURCC(*'DIVX') video = cv2.VideoWriter('{}/synth_{}.avi'.format(self.subfolder, filename), fourcc, self.fps, (height, width)) if not video: raise...
Raw temperature values are normalized in terms of a percentage relative to both the process mean and the window limits. en.wikipedia.org Then the result is a step function, whose values (suitably normalized) are given by the "n" th row of the triangle with alternating signs. ...
The relative contents in percentage were calculated with Area Normalization Method. 面积归一化法计算相对含量。 —— 给力词典精选 5. The mass - normalized mode shapes were obtained from the eigen - sensitivity analysis. 利用特征灵敏度分析得到质量归一化振型。
At d 90, the 100 mg/d AA2500 treatment improved lean body mass by 1.7 kg and percentage of body fat by 1.2% to a significantly greater degree than either control treatment. Significant improvements in spontaneous erections, sexual desire, and sexual motivation were also evidenced with th...
A small percentage is also produced using more energy-intensive methods such as the electrolysis of water. Elven gymyk yw hidrojen, niver onan y'n Vosen Beriodek. Y furvell gymyk yw H. An hanow a dheu dhyworth an geryow Greka hydro ha genes, ow styrya furvya dowr. Hidrojen veu...
Step 3: Click"Lower the volume of other clips"and adjust the percentage according to your need. Best 3 Audio Normalizers Except for Wondershare Filmora, there are other audio normalizers that you can use when you are edit videos. Moreover, we will know the steps of normalizing audios with...
StatusCategoryPercentageCovered / Total 🟢 Lines 67.01% (🎯 60%) 66715 / 99557 🟢 Statements 67.01% (🎯 60%) 66715 / 99557 🟢 Functions 63.93% (🎯 63%) 1945 / 3042 🟢 Branches 79.77% (🎯 70%) 7972 / 9993 File Coverage FileStmtsBranchesFunctionsLinesUncovered Lines Changed Fi...
[cond]]$CountMatrix, project = "Zeng2023", min.cells = 3, min.features = 200, ##QC filtering meta.data = meta.data) seurat %<>% PercentageFeatureSet(pattern = "mt-", col.name = "percent.mt") seurat %<>% PercentageFeatureSet(pattern = "Rpl|Rps", col.name = "percent.rib") ...
Canada's 2001 census reports... "Prior to 1971, fewer than 1% of the Canadian population reported having no religion. In 2001, that percentage increased to 16% of the population." A survey conducted by Canadian Press Harris-Decima in 2008 has found that 23 per cent of Canadians said they...