如下是旧的sc.pp.normalize_per_cell()警告。 官方对于使用旧版sc.pp.normalize_per_cell函数的警告 最大的区别用人话来说,就是它不会自动给你过滤了,原来这个函数默认旧把min_counts<1的基因给去除了,实际上许多时候也无伤大雅,但是有时我们并不像这个潜在的var过滤发生,所以在新版的sc.pp.normalize_total()...
ifinplace:ifkey_addedisnotNone:# 添加.obs 字段, 内容为每行的total countadata.obs[key_added]=counts_per_cell# _set_obs_rep函数作用为将normalize的数据替换adata原数据_set_obs_rep(adata,_normalize_data(X,counts_per_cell,target_sum),layer=layer)else:# 如果inplace为False,即不原位替换,则返回...
_normalize_data(X, counts_per_cell, target_sum), layer=layer)else:# 如果inplace为False,即不原位替换,则返回一个字典dat =dict(X=_normalize_data(X, counts_per_cell, target_sum, copy=
也就是进行除法:Feature_UMI_counts/all_UMI_count,每一个基因的表达被表示为单个基因mRNA数占所有mRNA数的比例,然后乘以一个scale.factor,这个参数匹配的应该设定是Cellranger计算后的average_UMI_per_Cell,系统默认10000,在10X技术的合理范围内。这一步比较简单,再看看后面的scaledata,功能是Scales and centers feat...
(Supplementary Fig.1i). Gross morphology of the Dyrk1a-KI brain was largely normal, as determined by immunostaining for DAPI (cell body marker), NeuN (neurons), S100β (astrocytes), and neurofilament M (axons) (Supplementary Fig.1j, k). These results collectively suggest thatDyrk1adeletion ...
The non-cell autonomous function exerted by neuritin suggests that it acts as a ligand at unknown receptors.24,25 In fact, neuritin was shown to exist predominantly as a soluble secreted form in vivo,26 and several studies indicated that this soluble form had neuro- trophic effects in ...
Notewhether or not you use dsb, if you want to define cells using thefiltered_feature_bc_matrixfile, you should make sure to properly set the Cell Ranger--expect-cellsargument roughly equal to the estimated cell recovery per lane based on number of cells you loaded in the experiment. seethe...
This is due to the presence of low amounts of RNA per cell, which decreases the efficiency with which transcripts can be captured and processed prior to sequencing. Moreover, the capture efficiency often varies from cell to cell, such that counts cannot be directly compared between cells. ...
Address errors in viewability thresholds on Virtualized list by Math.floor the top and bottom dimensions of a cell item when determining viewability. (824c1c6d07 by @lunaleaps) Change _onLayout to update bottom height when frame height is changed (5059ddc5ce by @lyqandy) Renaming bridgeless ...
HA binds to different cell surface receptors to initiate cell signaling. CD44, TLR4, TLR2, and RHAMM are known to interact with HA; ligation of these receptors by HA depends both on the size of the HA molecule and the specific cell type16,17,18,19. In order to identify the key recepto...