Consider an Excel worksheet that contains data on custom building orders. As you import that data into Access, you need to ask, 'What are the objects?' The worksheet has data about customers, orders, and products. Each object you can visualize needs a table of fields to describe it. In ...
Learn how database normalization helps organize the data and divide it into optimal tables for maximized efficiency.
OpenRefine is a free, open source power tool for working with messy data and improving it - Normalize Java import order (#6108) · OpenRefine/OpenRefine@d5ce6c5
Excel's PivotTable Wizard to the RESCUE! 1) Start the wizard -- Data/PivotTable & PivotChart Report... 2) Step 1 of 3 - Select Option Button: Multiple Consolidation Ranges -- [Next] 3) Step 2a of 3 - Select Option Button: I will create the page fields -- [Next] 4) Step 2b ...
Data from experiments were obtained from at least three independent experiments and n ≥ 3 if not otherwise stated. Statistical analysis was performed using MS Excel 2010 (Microsoft Corp., Washington, USA) if not otherwise described in the figure legends. The level of significance was set at P...
Earlier this week I was playing around with one of my newer models, trying to keep it ‘clean’ as it were, and after playing around with it, I got it set just right so the default SQL (quite a gnarly little query, really), much to my amazement, loaded exactly the data it needs ...