% New basis (each column is a vector of basis, "normalized" eigen vector of % H B = V*diag(1./sqrt(lambda));% Careful we assume H is spd matrix here inorder to be able to select such basis % model with respect to coefficients in the new basis ...
1. Unlike DESeq or TMM normalization, the estimates here are proportional to the true values within each subpopulation, and the deviation from the diagonal is smaller than that for library size normalization. Fig. 4 Size factor estimates from the deconvolution method in the simulation with DE ...
diagonalArrow.Transform = FrameStartCube.Transform;vardiagonalRotation = MatrixVectorMultiply(diagonalArrow.Transform.Value, diagonalArrow.Direction); diagonalRotation.Normalize();varendPoint =newPoint3D(diagonalRotation.X * cubeDiagonalLength, diagonalRotation.Y * cubeDiagonalLength, diagonalRotation.Z * cube...