Normal FSH Levels by age AMH FSH Antral Follicle Count Best Prognosis >1.2 ng/mL * <10 mIU/mL >10 * Lower Prognosis 0.5-1.2 ng/mL 10-20 mIU/mL 8-10 Lowest Prognosis <0.5 ng/mL >20 mIU/mL <8 *AMH levels over 4 ng/mL and AFC over 20 may be associated with Polycystic Ovarian...
It is important to assess vitals in conjunction with the clinical picture to guide resuscitation and clinical decisions.doi:10.1016/j.jemermed.2011.05.002Courtney SmalleyElsevier Inc.Journal of Emergency MedicineFleming S, Thompson M, Steens R, et al. Normal ranges of heart rate and respiratory ...
I get up, I check my pump, take my supplements, take my vitals, make coffee, and then I get to relax and pray, put on some music and I get to work. And then I get to play and enjoy my day and “live.” Yesterday felt no different, except that I have been so busy lately en...
2. She was still unsteady due to the odd wheel configuration, so MacGyver worked to levelher by adding spacers above her smaller wheels. I was the assisting nurse, keeping watch on her vitals by watching for the little bubble in the little window of the metal level. 3. Then came the ...