The gravitational force of the object is not opposite and equal to the normal force, but one of the force of gravity's vector's components is. To find out how to calculate normal force with friction, use the friction calculator. For objects on a flat surface, the normal force is counter...
Vector3d longitudeVector = launchBody.GetSurfaceNVector(0, launchLongitude); double angle1 =Math.Abs(Vector3d.Angle(longitudeVector, a1));if(Vector3d.Dot(Vector3d.Cross(longitudeVector, a1), launchBody.angularVelocity) <0) angle1 =360- angle1; double angle2 =Math.Abs(Vector3d.Angle(longitude...
Construct and return a clone.More... voidoperator=(constnormal&)=delete No copy assignment.More... virtual~normal()=default Destructor.More... virtual scalarsample() const Sample the distribution.More... virtual scalarmeanValue() const
For a theoretical Normal distribution, 99.73 % of all samples, will fall within 3 Standard Deviations of the mean value. This fact leads to the following rule of thumb (the "Three Sigma Rule"), which allows you to estimate a standard deviation for a normally distributed random variable. ...
►booleanSurface ►boolVector ►boundaryAdjointContribution ►boundaryAdjointContributionIncompressible ►boundaryCutter ►boundaryInfo ►boundaryMesh ►boundaryPatch ►boundaryRegion ►boundaryTemplates ►boundaryToCell ►boundaryToFace ►boundBox ►Boussinesq ►BreakupModel ►BrownianMotionForc...
Vector Line Loads Add Line Load Delete Line Load Springs Add Springs Delete Springs Add Two-Noded Spring Delete Two-Noded Spring Liner Moment Liner Moment Overview Add Liner Moment Delete Liner Moment Add Liner Hinge Delete Liner Hinge Add Rotation Restraint Delete Rotation Restraint Add Liner ...
►foamToVtkReportFields ►foamVtkMeshMaps ►forceSuSp ►freePiston ►FreeStream ►freestreamFvPatchField ►freestreamPressureFvPatchScalarField ►freestreamVelocityFvPatchVectorField ►freeSurfacePressureFvPatchScalarField ►freeSurfaceVelocityFvPatchVectorField ►fromFile ►Function1 ►funct...