Didier D, Saint-Martin C, Lapierre C, Trindade PT, Lahlaidi N, Vallee JP, Kalangos A, Friedli B, Beghetti M: Coarctation of the aorta: pre and postoperative evaluation with MRI and MR angiography; correlation with echocardiography and surgery. Int J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2006, 22: 457-475...
DETERMINATION OF LOCAL MEAN NORMAL PROTHROMBIN TIME AND OF LOCAL INTERNATIONAL SENSITIVITY INDEX The present invention relates to a device for providing a value of an international normalized ratio (INR) of a sample in a prothrombin time (PT) assay, said device comprising an analysis unit comprising...
The aim of this study is to investigate application values of thromboelastography (TEG) for outcome in septic shock patients with a normal value of prothrombin time (PT) and active partial thromboplastin time (aPTT). Prospective observational study using 1298 consecutive septic shock patients with ...
Each laboratory establishes a normal or control value based on the method used to perform the PT test. The PT measures the amount of time it takes in seconds for clot formation, the international normalized ratio (INR) is calculated from a PT result to monitor the effectiveness of warfarin....
Auto Actions PTBRCombined StatusGeometric PlacementMinimap HUD服务器模组防卡两招(Antistun)Show Me (Origin)Party HUDMy PetFinder ModGlobal PositionsDST Achievement V2Extended IndicatorsExtra Equip SlotsDon't Drop Everything Multi RocksLazy Furnace我晚上把Lazy Furnace 和party HUD 禁用试试 6楼2020-05-...
2.1.1528 Part 1 Section, pt (String Point) 2.1.1529 Part 1 Section, ptCount (Point Count) 2.1.1530 Part 1 Section, radarChart (Radar Charts) 2.1.1531 Part 1 Section, radarStyle (Radar Style) 2.1.1532 Part 1 Section
Blood Chemistry of Normal Human Fetuses at Midtrimester of Pregnancy FRANCOIS FORESTIER, FERNAND DAFFOS, MARTINE RAINAUT, MARC BRUNEAU; AND FRANCOIS TRIVIN Centre de Diagnostic Prknatal et de Foetologie, Hopital Notre Dame de Bon Secours 75014[F.F, F.D, M.R]; Laboratoire de biochimie, ...
getPointsInBox(cloud_nan_filtered, min_pt, max_pt, indices); ExtractIndices<PointXYZRGB> boxfilter; boxfilter.setInputCloud(boost::make_shared<constPointCloud<PointXYZRGB> >(cloud_nan_filtered)); boxfilter.setIndices (boost::make_shared<vector<int> > (indices)); ...
a) Valor normal (a) Normal value EurLex-2 b) Valor normal (b) Normal value eurlex-diff-2017 Consequentemente, o valor normal foi nestes casos determinado com base no valor calculado. Consequently, normal value was in these cases determined on the basis of constructed value. Eur...
PT. Clinicopathological risk factors associated with the recurrence of PT were assessed.Results. The median age of the patients was 44 y (range, 19–62 y), and the median tumor size was 4 cm (0.8–30 cm). At a median follow-up of 26.7 mo (0–103 mo), 22 of the...