Biomedical engineering Study of structure and function in the human triceps surae muscle -tendon complex under normal and atrophic states using magnetic resonance phase contrast imaging UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIALOS ANGELES Shantanu Sinha ShinDavid Dongsuk...
Study of structure and function in the human triceps surae muscle -tendon complex under normal and atrophic states using magnetic resonance phase contrast imaging.Velocity-encoded phase contrast MRI (VE-PC-MRI) and MR-compatible dynamometry were used to study the mechanics of the active and ...
Muscle synergism during isometric plantarflexion in achilles tendon rupture patients and in normal subjects revealed by velocity-encoded cine phase-contrast MRI.LoadsharingCoordinationLocomotionCine phase-contrast MRIBackgroundThe triceps surae muscle is often considered to be the sole contributor to the ...