Testosterone is an androgen, or a sex hormone, produced by both males and females. Testosterone is a formal name of this hormone. This hormone does exists in different forms in the blood. The different form are, total testosterone, free testosterone and bioavailable testosterone. It plays a ver...
To investigate closely the roles of sex chromosomes and gonadal hormones in driving differences in microglial properties between sexes during normal physiological conditions, we used the Four Core Genotypes (FCG) mouse model, which allows for an independent assessment of gonadal hormones and sex chromoso...
Dehennin L, Matsumoto AM (1993) Long-term administration of testosterone enanthate to normal men: alterations of the urinary profile of androgen metabolites potentially useful for detection of testosterone misuse in sport. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 44:179–189...
Il testicolo ha due funzioni essenziali: la produzione dei gameti maschili, gli spermatozoi, in un processo chiamato la spermatogenesi e la sintesi e la liberazione controllata di testosterone come principale androgeno, denominata la steroidogenesi. I testicoli sono organi pari di forma ovale...
Some tests need to have more than one reference range because of factors that affect the results. For example, men and women have separate ranges for totaltestosteronelevels. The main factors that determine whether multiple reference ranges are necessary are [1]: ...
FSH is a type of pituitary hormone that is responsible for regulating the reproductive cycle in men and women. In assisted reproduction treatments, such as artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization, FSH drugs are used for controlled ovarian stimu
This phenotype is due, at least in part, to the impaired regulation of the p53-target gene Aromatase which encodes a key enzyme involved in the conversion of testosterone into 17β-estradiol, leading to an increase in testosterone over estradiol levels and triglyceride accumulation [213]. ...
Testosterone AnalysisTestisAdministration and DosageSUMMARYThe effects of the oral synthetic oestrogens, diethylstiboestrol and chlorotrianisene, have been studied in healthy male volunteers and in patients with prostatic carcinoma. The plasma levels of follicle stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone and ...
The female response in XY gonadal dysgenesis emphasizes the importance of testicular secretions for the suppression of positive feedback whereas the male type of response in cases of testicular feminization indicates that testosterone does not represent the central mediator of this testicular function. ...