A significant genotype by treatment interaction was observed on body weight: the effect of T 3 in males was significantly positive for dwarfs and null for normals, the effect in females was null for dwarfs and significantly negative for normals. Feed efficiency was rather decreased by the ...
Free T3: 2.3–4.2 pg/mL Free T4: 0.8–1.8 ng/dL Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH): 1–7 mIU/mL (1–7 U/L) (male), 2–9 mIU/mL (2–9 U/L) (female, follicular/luteal), 4–22 mIU/mL (4–22 U/L) (female, ovulation), >30 mIU/mL (>30 U/L) (postmenopause) Grow...
The serum T3 levels of males and females did not show any difference in anyage group, whereas the mean serum T4 level in the adult females was more than that of adult male thoughthe difference is statistically insignificant. There was, however, no difference between the serum T4 levelsof ...
by the thyroid-stimulating hormone or thyrotropin (TSH) pro- duced by the anterior pituitary gland and released in turn under the control of thyrotropin-releasing hormone produced in the hypothalamus and responding, with negative feedback, to serum levels of circulating thyroid hormones T3 and T4....
In a study of adolescents with obesity, the optimal ALT cut-off points for diagnosing NAFLD were 36 U/L for males and 33 U/L for females[16]. However, limited evidence exists on the determination of optimal ALT cut-off points for diagnosing MAFLD and on the associations between repeated ...
Dwarf chicks were more sensitive to than normals when receiving either 0 or 0.1 microgram/g T3; 0.5 microgram/g T3 abolished the difference between genotypes at 4 weeks of age but not so clearly at 7 weeks of age, where dwarf females showed a slight but still significant GH increase after...
where ~ n t e r In mn 2 rr i of sg t si he s a custam, we have s l r e a * found 7 ?.ornuzygote females who o r e TBG d e f i c i e n t . Thus, consanguinity i n these Arab f a m i l i e s might be t h e caitse o l t h e high i n c i -...
Two members in the carcinoma group had skin tumors in the face which had developed secondarily to xeroderma pig- mentosum (XP). Peripheral lymphocytes from the patients and 11 control males and females were cultured for 72 hr and slides were differentially stained for SCE. The average Vol. 25...
Mean SD 20 1.78 ± 1.31 'P < 0.05. Females I3 I .'!8 ± 1. 13 Maks 22 3.27 ± I .HI Fcmaks 13 3.JJ ± 3.2 correlated with scrum total calcium levels. but arc correlated with scrum ionized calcium levels. Unfortunately. the design nf the experiment in the field 250 km south ...
Single jump starter males of the genotype P1280/P(ry+Δ2−3)(99B) were crossed to 3rd chromosome balancer females. From each cross, one w-male was selected and crossed to 3rd chromosome balancer flies. All lethal excision lines were analyzed using anti-EVE staining. For RNAi experiments ...