According to the topological algorithm, we identified the key lncRNAs which had both the higher node degrees and the higher numbers of lncRNA–miRNA pairs and total pairs in the ceRNA network. Meanwhile, Gene Ontology (GO) and pathway analysis were performed using databases such as DAVID, KOBAS...
Conceptually, this is equivalent to taking a horizontal cross-section of the activated maps' three-dimensional contour plot, where the x and y axes represent the spatial location, and the z-axis represents the magnitude of activation. We found this useful as an alternative way to present the ...
(self, media, media_prior, target, extra_features, degrees_seasonality, seasonality_frequency, weekday_seasonality, media_names, number_warmup, number_samples, number_chains, target_accept_prob, init_strategy, custom_priors, seed) 370 transform_function=self._model_transform_function, 371 weekday...
Hypothalamic interleukin-1 beta and tumor necrosis factor-alpha, but not interleukin-6, mediate the endotoxin-induced suppression of the reproductive axis in rats. Endocrinology. 2003;144:4868–75. PubMed CAS Google Scholar Thaler JP, Schwartz MW. Minireview: inflammation and obesity pathogenesis:...
The phenotype can range from normal female in complete AIS (CAIS), to lesser degrees of genital ambiguity in partial AIS (PAIS) in which the degree of virilization is related to the degree of AR function [2, 3]. Genital masculinization involves a comprehensive re-organization of genital ...
Figure 5 summarizes the degrees of agreements between each pair of lung volume variables measured on polar plots. The mean value of the variable pairs are plotted as a distance from the centre of the polar plot, while the angle between the radial vector and the horizontal axis represents the ...
Quaternions are less intuitive than Euler angles. To make it easier to work with them, I implemented a rotate method that takes an Axis-Angle representation of a rotation. This representation can be later converted to the Quaternion form easily. ...
The discolored and normal red pepper samples are situated in different quadrants on the left and right sides of the Y-axis (Fig. 1C and D). Recognition ability (R2X and R2Y) and prediction ability (Q2) metrics were all greater than 0.4, the R2Y and Q2 values were close to 1 (in ...
Obesity was found to be associated with reduced hip flexion and extension, whereas no associations were observed with the lumbar–hip ratio. Hip flexion and extension were approximately 10.5 (6.3–14.6) and 14.8 (10.6–19.0) degrees smaller in the obese subjects, respectively, suggesting that obesi...
Nodes were place on the unit disc (equivalent to the latent space of the model), parameterised by the angle to some arbitrary axis, while the degree distribution of the network was used to parameterise the radius of the node on the disc. While an elegant model, choosing the unit circle ...