Reference values pH: 7.2 or more. sperm concentration: 15 million spermatozoa per ml or more. total sperm number: 39 million spermatozoa per ejaculate or more.
the sperm concentration is used to calculate the total sperm count with the help of the semen volume. Standard values: >15 × 106spermatozoa per ml or >39 × 106total sperm count.
We report here the case of two brothers, both exhibiting a total absence of motile and normal spermatozoa in their ejaculates, with a very high index of multiple abnormalities (IMA) per sperm cell. Two ICSI attempts were made for one of these brothers, which were both unsuccessful....
Specifically, use of vardenafil for 6 months does not impair sperm concentration, total sperm count per ejaculate, or sperm morphology and motility. Levels of reproductive hormones were also unaffected.doi:10.1016/j.juro.2007.10.077Jarvi, Keith...
Obesity is a prominent risk factor for male infertility, and a high-fat diet is an important cause of obesity. Therefore, diet control can reduce body weight and regulate blood glucose and lipids, but it remains unclear whether it can improve male fertil
treatment.AIIpatientsshowedsloermatozoaintheirejaculate。increasedgonadotropinandTlevelsandIowerE2Ievels(P<0.05inalI cases),whenletrozolewasadministered.Thissu鳇eststhatIetrozoletreatmentmightimprovespermcountinanNOAsub-population; however。morestudies。includingthepropercontrols,areneededtoconfirmitsefficacy. Asian...
Cryopreservation may positively select spermatozoa, accelerating elimination of senescent spermatozoa by necrosis, so that early apoptotic spermatozoa from fresh ejaculate are not found in thawed samples. These results, that need to be completed by a study on a larger sample of oligospermic patients, ...
Conversely, most men exhibiting normal or minimally subnormal semen characteristics displayed declining values in their second ejaculate. There is, however, a dearth of information about the relationship between abstinence duration and various forms of semen disease. Sperm motility in IVF is positively ...
As concerns ROS scavenging, the ejaculate possesses different detoxification pathways: chemical antioxidants (vitamin C and E, zinc and selenium, L-carnitine and coenzyme Q10, carotenoids, cysteine, and albumin) present in the seminal plasma, and enzymatic antioxidant systems (SOD, catalase and ...