Analysis and interpretation of data: Halley, Houghtaling, Thomas, and Jaber. Drafting of the manuscript: Halley and Jaber. Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: Halley, Houghtaling, Khalil, Thomas, and Jaber. Statistical analysis: Halley and Houghtaling. Administrative,...
This is analogous to the interpretation of the QT interval (4). The delta RR versus RR relationship we have demonstrated does not appear to be influ- enced by sleep state or age. This implies that this striking relation- ship is resistant to maturational changes in heart rate and beat-to...
heart rhythm, sinusal or ectopicST segment and T and U wavesrepolarization abnormalitieselectrical axis calculationÂQRS calculation in clinical practicerotations of heartelectrocardiographic variations with ageA systematic and sequential approach to ECG interpretationHeart rhythmHeart ratePR interval and PR ...
ECG interpretation usually starts with an assessment of the P-wave. The P-wave is a small, positive and smooth wave. It is small because the atria make a relatively small muscle mass. If the rhythm is sinus rhythm (i.e. under normal circumstances) the P-wave vector is directed downwards...
It will be clear from above that the first structure to be depolarised during normal sinus rhythm is the right atrium, closely followed by the left atrium. So the first electrical signal on a normal ECG originates from the atria and is known as t...