Cat - Osteology Radiographs PREMIUM BOVINE Bovine - General anatomy Illustrations FREE Bovine - Osteology Illustrations PREMIUM HORSE Horse - Osteology Illustrations PREMIUM Horse - Osteology Radiographs FREE Horse - Digit MRI PREMIUM Horse - Head CT PREMIUM MOUSE Mouse - Whole body CT FREE...
Sympathetic vasoconstrictor neurons innervating hairless skin of the cat show a respiratory rhythm of activity discharging in inspiration. The following questions arise: (1) Is it possible to detect respiratory variations in cutaneous blood flow in humans? (2) Are these variations actively mediated by...
Respiratory frequency studies of premature infants according to the literature' Age Respiratory frequencies/min Gesta- tional N (wk) 7 Legal (days) Concep- tional (wk) 32-40 Criteria of normality Sleep state criteria Uncompli- REM versus cated deliv- "trace al- ery and ternant" normal ...
Studies of both secretory and absorptive epithelia have indicated that substantial species and organ variability exists but have generally led to the notion that raised cell Cat+levels activate, directly or indirectly, cell C1- permeabilities (27), but decrease cell Na+ permeability (7). Because ...
There was no difference in the proportion of individuals with risk factors for AO, respiratory symptoms, or CAT scores ≥ 10 between the groups. The significant differences in Pulmonary Func- tion Test were predicted values for post-FEV1, post- MMEF, and post-FEF50%, which were all ...
Changes in respiration, heart rate and systolic blood pressure in human sleep. J Appl Physiol 1964;19:417–422. PubMed CAS Google Scholar Bristow JD, Honour AJ, Pickering TG, Sleight P. Cardiovascular and respiratory changes during sleep in normal and hypertensive subjects. Cardiovasc Res 1969...
The state of disease is measured according to four catego- ries: Complete Response, Partial Response, Stable Disease or Progressive Disease. Disease response, at least for solid tumors (rather than liquid ones such as leuke- mia), is represented in turn by an indicator called Progression-Free...
An organ such as the bladder consists of complex, interacting set of tissues and cells. Inflammation has been implicated in every major disease of the bladder, including cancer, interstitial cystitis, and infection. However, scanty is the information abo
for glucagon (cat. no. 10-1271-01), total GLP-1 (cat. no. 10-1278-01) and total GIP (cat. no. 10-1258-01) were quantified by ELISA in duplicate (Mercodia) and run on a SpectraMax iD3. For adrenalin and noradrenalin, the plasma concentrations were measured using a 2-CAT Plasma...
&Clausen, O. P.(1990) Mathematical model analysis of mouse epidermal cell kinetics measured by bivariate DNA/anti-bromodeoxyuridine flow cytometry and continous [3H]-thymidine labelling.Cell Tissue Kinet.23, 409–24. CASPubMedGoogle Scholar