Resulting from this modified breathing pattern, a variation in end-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2) of about 0.5-1.0 kPa develops. The differential Fick’s method can be used continuously without attaining a new second steady-state condition by measuring and calculating the dynamic transient changes in...
+The baseline data define a hon1ogcncous population of healthy sheep with a body weight of 10.67 3.04 kg. With 57, 43, and 19% remaining lungs managcd on convcntional MV, a11 shccp in group I were weaned to room air [Pao: 2 6.7 kPa (50 nlm Hg), normal Paco.1 within 3-46 h...
Raikow et al. [76] demonstrated the formation of lanthanum, yttrium, and cerium carbonates in addition to the formation of other metal carbonates, by flowing relatively low pressure, gaseous CO2 over aqueous solutions of their respective metal hydroxides. By this method, normal lanthanum carbonate,...