water is consideredinthe“normal”rangeandnot aggressive, copper pipe forms a very distasteful, unsanitary buildup of scale. lubrizol.com lubrizol.com 即使在被认为属于“正常”范围的非侵蚀性水质条件下,铜管内也会形成一层令人作呕、极不卫生的水垢。
The first normal schools were established in Austria in the second half of the 18th century and in France in the late 18th century. Many such schools were founded in the Anglo-Saxon countries in the 19th century, where they were later called teachers colleges. Today, there are normal schools...
Monocytes are the largest of all white blood cells and play an important role in the defense against germs and in inflammation. Read on to learn about the normal range of these cells and the health implications of abnormal levels. What are Monocytes? The Front Lines of Your Immunity Monocytes...
A person who has a low hematocrit is referred to as being anemic.There are many reasons foranemia. Some of the more common reasons that make hematocrit low are loss of blood (traumatic injury, surgery, bleeding, andcolon cancer), nutritional deficiency (iron, vitamin B12, folate), ...
You don’t get enough iron, vitamin B12, or vitamin B9 in your diet. High hemoglobin If your hemoglobin levels are above normal, it’s usually because your body has had low oxygen levels over time (hypoxia). You might gethypoxiabecause of: ...
Pernicious anemia(destruction of red blood cells in the bone marrow due to insufficient amounts of vitamin B12 andfolic acid) Lead poisoning Certain medications damaging or killing beneficial bacteria in the gut What is urobilinogen? Urobilinogen is a colorless by-product of the transformation proc...
where the recursion equations (B12) can be used to evaluate the first–order derivatives \(D_{-r}'(\zeta )\) as a function of the parabolic cylinder functions, see (B12). Moreover, $$\begin{aligned} D_{-r}''(\zeta ) \equiv \dfrac{\partial }{\partial \zeta } D_{-r}'(\zet...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook normal soil [′nȯr·məl ′sȯil] (geology) A soil having a profile that is more or less in equilibrium with the environment. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ...
A proportion of the normal population have low serum ferritin but are not anaemic nor symptomatic. This confusion between normality and iron deficiency continues to cause difficulties in interpretation. The range of vitamin B12 and folate ... L Wakeman,R Munro,J Lewis,... - 《Blood》 被引量...